omfg. Do these people even HEAR themselves? Double-talk ain't even IN it.

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One way or another, this presidency will come to an end.

But will it be before or after our *country* comes to an end? 🤨

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Exactly why I ask it. I want to hear from the more seasoned political thinkers about it. I’ve been told for far too long that the system will right the wrongs, so long as we vote. I very much want to know what the backup is for when the intrinsic components of the system fail. I want to believe that other people, older and hopefully wiser than me, with more experience in political strategy, have to offer on the topic.

Certainly, the given is to fight back any way possible. But somehow I think protesting, rallying/inspiring/protecting, and concentrating communities of people with shared ideas (makes us easier targets) will be enough. I’ve brought it up too many times and have gotten little response. What scares me most isn’t the possibility of oppression by predictable abusers, nor the lack of cohesive plan. It’s what I’m starting to believe is an unwillingness to go there mentally, and a willfull avoidance of actualizing the probability of such events. This puts us at greater disadvantage because it stalls out future strategy and preparation.

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Interesting way of putting it!

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I agree. We all know he did it and we all know why he did it. We knew it the moment we “read the transcript.”

Why then was it necessary for the Republican Party, as a matter of party policy, to spend six months stridently claiming there is not proof he did anything wrong, etc, etc, etc?

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We all knew the party hacks in the senate would pretend to "consider" the evidence as little as they think they can get away with, and then move forward with their regularly scheduled kangaroo court.

It doesn't change the fact that over half the country wants the magat king removed, and 3/4 want a real trial with evidence and witnesses.

The real benefit is that the repiglican party gets demolished in November.

There's also the line "except in cases of impeachment" to consider. Resigning after losing the election and getting a pardon from his toady pence is not gonna help him.

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Trump is burnt toast. But that’s what Republicans want America to eat.

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I could never be a Democratic presidential candidate, for a myriad of reasons, but if I were I would be thanking the GOP, on the campaign trail, for my soon to be unlimited powers as POTUS. New Green Deal and M4A, here we come!

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Let us pray, to make it so

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So Alexander is just another chicken shit. What a surprise. The GOP hasn't believed in democracy since Reagan started grinding unions into dust. 40 years of treachery will get you quite far. Perhaps even an autocracy. To which I say, "I'm glad I don't have kids." And "good luck you assholes."

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Dangit, I'm getting one of those little pimples right below my nostril.

I hate it when I get a Lamar. You can't stop poking at them, and they take forever to heal.

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As any prosecutor or defense attorney knows, there is a very good reason for avoiding a trial and testimony when everyone knows the defendant is guilty. Until you hear the witnesses, you don’t comprehend how guilty he is. You get/a lighter sentence when the sentencing judge, even an experienced sentencing judge, doesn’t hear the whole story. Thanks, Lamar.

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Shots fired from a black SUV on the way to Mar a Lago. Many pundits expected to tell us about all of it. Doofus expected there this evening.

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[Checks self]

Nope, I still hate Collins, Graham, McConnell...

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