I like most of MN a lot and would be sorry to lose it, except the 6th District.* In a mid-size, heavily rural state, there's something to be said for herding all the dingbats into one district and letting them elect one goofball. Lots of states do that *coughJoeWalshcough*

What's more interesting is why Bachmann, instead of being a back-bench embarrassment to the party, has become its spokesclown. It's not as if every GOP member of the House were a raving TP lunatic. But as Rinse Pribbus's report made clear this week, the GOP is all about message, not substance. It has drunk the Koolaid of the Advertising Age, almost the way the old GOP drank the Wall Street Koolaid. It is drawn to high-profileability, stardom (of the quick-rise Reality TV sort), and making lots of headlines. Content is irrelevant--headlines that hold it up to ridicule are as welcome as any other kind. Hence the remarkable staying-power of empty, pretty dollies like Palin and (maybe) Ryan; and hence the overside (heh) rage at Christie for his Obama hugging moment in the press.

*Well, and I wouldn't miss Garrison Keillor either. Time for that fellow to STFU and do something constructive with his life.

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Teh Media's decadent fascination w/ "Truth" and "Verifiable Facts" will destroy Merica as we know it!

We all fucking HOPE!

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Mark Steyn is one of the reasons I stopped subscribing to maclean's Canada's newsmagazine. Fucker.

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I like the idea of Prairie Home Companion, but I just can't listen to it. God. The commercials alone are almost too much to bear. But I liked the movie.

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Baggy ass jeans at a cougar bar?

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Is there ever a point where Republican voters consider that maybe endless, bare-faced lying isn't a good example for their kids?

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I will tell you that I had a mother last night come up to me. She told me that her little daughter listened to Michele Bachmann and she suffered from mental retardation thereafter.

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I heard that financial aid is usually paid TO COLLEGES. Damn fat cats.

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