Remember when they all flocked to Mad Max: Fury Road and got pissed because it turned out to be a feminist diatribe?

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I think the real point is that sociopaths and bigots are drawn to police work because it allows them to maim and kill people legally. We need to improve screening and training to stop this.

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This, I agree with, humans/ wealthy humans, are parasites! Producing electricity is still far cleaner and cheaper than using fossil fuel, storage is a problematic, yes, what do you suggest?

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The only part that seems weird is that all 4 of the scientists were white.

edit to add: And there was STILL a police overreaction. I thought the book specifically notes grown white men are not scary.

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Those scientists could be carrying sizable brains under their hair -- even scarier!!

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They're scary if they threaten the profits of police sponsors.

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First, there are no "good" technological fixes; the menu of options is limited to choosing the least harmful. As far as that goes, wind, hydro, and geothermal are probably the (relatively) safest in environmental terms, but they have limited capacities to address climate change in the short term. As much as it terrifies me to say, nuclear may turn out to be the "best" short-term, bridge technology to a longer-term clean infrastructure (presuming civilization survives that long).

Second, there is no known technology that will succeed unless accompanied by a complete reinvention/reimagination of the human species: mentally, intellectually, emotionally, spiritually, socially and culturally. Which happens rather rarely (the Enlightenment; the global youth movements of the 1960's). We simply have to accept that materialism needs to be kept to an absolute minimum; economically speaking, the environment cannot support endless growth--the resources just don't exist, or are located in places that are financially cost-prohibitive and/or too ecologically sensitive to develop without exponentially exacerbating climate change (such as the Arctic).

Finally, the forces we're up against are simply too powerful and entrenched to challenge without massive violence. Since the late 1970's (when neo-liberalism became the prevailing economic paradigm), the developed (First) world has been regressing back to the Gilded Age, if not further (evangelicals are hellbent on returning to the early Bronze Age): mega-corporations that can move capital around the planet at will; the wealth to buy political parties and even whole countries; they control of the media; ownership of the means of production (agriculture, transportation, communication, as well as industrial); etc.

In short, we're back to where ruling class can hire one half of humanity to murder the other half; and they certainly won't hesitate to do so if their wealth, privilege and status are threatened enough (and as we see every day, it takes remarkably little to frighten them). I can bang on like this for another hundred thousand words, but (I trust) you get the general idea.

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It's easy to be inspired by Obama, until you remember his lies about the NSA wiretapping program and his ruthless use of the drone program on Yemeni wedding convoys.

Obama is a bunch of fancy words in a suit arguing for changing the status quo while simultaneously upholding it.

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Ta, Dok. I live lightly on Earth. I never had kids, do not drive, live in an 1899 tenement building (the indoor plumbing went in around 1927), am vegan, wear vintage or clothing made ethically and sustainably, and filter my own tap water rather than buy it in bottles. Please help!!

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Who woulda thunk it?

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So 50 cops are needed to respond to four (4) peaceful climate protesters, but they can't be arsed to respond to white nationalist rallies or the dumb fucking trucker convoys.

Sounds about right.

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Yep, unfortunately.

Article: https://www.mic.com/impact/...

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We are having our fifth hailstorm in two days just now. I've never seen this in the PNW.

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