Hogan is not a moderate. We are still dealing with the right wing bullspit he did while governor. He is a lying Republican weasel, who is trying to fool people into voting for him again.

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He went out of his way to fuck Baltimore City out of a billion dollars of federal transportation grant money and diverted all he could to projects to benefit him and his family. And he's one of the GOOD ones.

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We have a thing up here in deep-blue Massachusetts about electing old-school Republican governors. Sometimes they decide this makes them United States Senate material, but we're not dumb, we know that we don't want another GOP vote in that chamber. The mathematics of 60 doesn't care whether Republican who votes with his caucus is a MAGA or not.

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Hated Baker, don't care how 'moderate' or unelectable nationwide the SOB was.

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Can you tell Maine? The concept seems to evade them every six years.

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Vodka Collins is a useless sack of excrement, but I repeat myself.

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Ta, Marcie. I loathed, detested, and despised Ronnie Raygun. Why did I use past tense? I still loathe, detest, and despise him. Alsobrooks for the win!

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The word pathetic gets thrown around a lot. But come on, this guy is pathetic.

Oh I'm aware of him. But except for a few people who really has time or the inclination to understand Maryland politics. (A reconsideration: While the audience is small, the contrast are vast. Might be interesting thing considering that the same state produced Barbara mikulski and Spiro Agnew, Roger Taney and Harriet Tubman.)

But I digress. Jesus Christmas is Larry a pathetic sight.

They don't like you Larry. You thought they liked you. One Wing of the Republicans tickled your taint by suggesting that you'd make a great senator. Well that wing of the party, the crypto fascist business wing, doesn't run things and hasn't for quite some time. There cunning plan is to win a majority of the United States Senate and thereby return to power, but of course you'd be among their number, eating metaphorical, at first, shit sandwiches with every vote.

You really set yourself up, Larry. Now of course, it seems that there's the seed of a moral character in larry, which hopefully is the thing that Democratic voters saw in him.

That moral character might just pull a fantastic stunt, Larry are you listening. You could resign the race. Endorse the Democrat. Let the entire Republican machinery scramble to find your replacement. All the while you're eating great food backstage at democratic campaign events. I think it's a great deal, Larry. You just need to take it. Think of how it'll make you feel. Less stress. Fewer shit sandwiches. It's a win win.

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"He won two landslide elections and changed the course of history by growing the tent."....... Hogan on Ronnie Raygun....Welp......I lived in SoCal during the Raygun years......and there certainly ARE many more tents on the streets since St. Ronnie closed all the Mental Health Hospitals.........

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Honestly, I think the only simple truth Ronald Reagan ever understood was whether he got applause after he read whatever lines he'd been given. Very much like Trump's translating everything into some version of "This is great for my ratings!

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That's show-biz folk for you...

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I dunno why, but when I hear Roger Stone bleating about "pedos", I have a weird feeling that this is the voice of experience.

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Not to kink shame, but every time Rog brings up something like that it should mandatory to remind him of his own deviant fantasies involving his spouse.

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Larry's got some squishable moobs.

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He needs a Manssiere (or Bro, depends on if you agree with Kramer or Frank Costanza).

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"President Reagan understood the simple truth that successful politics is about addition and multiplication, not subtraction and division."

He understood simple math? This is the guy who thought cutting taxes on the extremely wealthy would INCREASE revenues, and we'd all get rich, or die trying. Turns out that all cutting taxes will do is cause massive deficits. I consider "the tax cuts will pay themselves" to be the original big lie.

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Fucking over his Democratic oppenent by cutting a secret deal with Iran to withhold hostage release until after Reagan won certainly helped, Larry

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Cutting revenue and tripling expenditure.

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And plus, why does the so-called party of small government work so hard to subtract rights and to divide people according to income, maleness, and whiteness?

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By Raygun’s second term, not only couldn’t that Red-baiting fucker not do arithmetic of any stripe, with his brian actively curdling into cottage cheese he couldn’t do certain interviews none too well either, just ask Lesley “Better Not Mention The Strokey Parts” Stahl.

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He spoke at my college in the fall of 84 and his brain was cooked even then. He made half a dozen gaffes during a 25 min speech.

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Hogan’s No Hero

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I think the days when Maryland would elect a moderate republican have sailed. Hogan's behind the times.

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I think it’s amazing that these assholes get destroyed by their own followers the instant they stop following the party line one hundred percent

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There is no grey area in tribalism.

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In my state Nancy Mace is fighting off a challenger who is being funded by Qevin McCarthy. One of these 2 crazy bitches is going to win, and the moderate Dem whose grandma died from a back alley abortion will have no chance. Sigh...at this point it's who do you want - the crazy Republican, or the REALLY crazy Republican?

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Good. May he continue to get pummeled by both sides. (this is the only kind of 'bothsides' I endorse!)

Aint no such thing as a 'moderate Republican' any more and there hasn't been for 44 years.

Fucking hell Ronnie Ray-gun touched off his Presidumbtial campaign by yammering on about black welfare queens driving Cadillacs and 'young bucks eating t-bones'. in Philadelphia MS https://civilrightstrail.com/destination/philadelphia/

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That audio of those jackals laughing at AIDS could be from the Trump admin on covid. It's one more reminder that republican callousness and lack of any fucking concern for American lives did not start with Trump. That Reagan is considered as anything less than a complete POS is only because of nostalgia glasses and the effort to rewrite him as some saintly American grandpa.

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