More like sleeping with clients, stealing rheir money etc.

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Standing smackdowns may even beat the 12b6 bench slap.

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Hmmm-- "sleeping with clients" is a no-no would be a surprise to a coupla lawyers I know. I guess when you're kept on a retainer by drug dealers, you're not supposed to sample the wares either, huh? Surprise, surprise.

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Ayup. Met a few myself. But then, you know my story. (hides under desk in a fetal position sucking thumb.)

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I read his name as "Larry Klansman".

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Dead Breitbart is that way, troll -------->

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Can't understand why this embarrassment to the human race hasn't been disbarred.......

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That they had to turn to Klaymann at all tells me that they haven't been able to find a real lawyer who would take the case.

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Make them pay Hillary damages for the frivolous lawsuit. That would really make their heads spin.

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It's often done by state high courts. The ABA is in a tough place with trying to tell them what case load they should or shouldn't have.

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Yeah, but money's thicker than water, you know.

Blood, I mean. Blood is thicker than mon… water.

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I've watched Napolitano on FOX News and once in awhile he will say something that makes sense like his Klayman comments but then 30 seconds later he will veer off into kookooland with some nuttiness. I'm glad FOX gave him a job so that this mentally unbalanced man could stop being a judge and thereby a danger to civil society

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Just having the most ridiculous lawyer in America (except maybe for Orly Taitz) attached to this has sucked any measure of credibility or viability from this suit.

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So, who told the Tsarnaev brothers that Boston was holding a marathon? I'd like to sue the living fuck out of that loose-lipped traitor!

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Standing smackdowns can melt steel beams.

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