Puts the cyst in racist.

(Trust me, it sounds better than it looks.)

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Nobody would edit Klayman. He'd probably sue.

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Scrote Throat

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Obviously, you're invisible! Time to go visit Larry Klayman's house and walk right out the front door with his flat-screen, because he can't even see you!

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As a skullf*ckee, one might say you do.

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Klayman only wishes.

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<i>Larry Klayman puts the cauc in caucasian.</i>

<blockquote>met secretly with him at the time in a dark area of Billy Martin’s Tavern in Georgetown</blockquote>

He also put the Wood in Woodward!!

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Traditionally, Americans have also been largely ignorant of electricity and germ theory.

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I'm holding out for Pope, I hear there's an opening...

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your move, Herman

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Larry Klayman, if Obama hates you, he's probably the last person you should be concerned about.

Bradlee Dean hates you because you made sure he had to actually pay Rachel Maddow for the pleasure of mocking his idiotic ass. Your own brother hates you enough to out your shitty lawsuit brought against your own mother. Your own mother hates you because, DUH, YOU SUED YOUR OWN MOM. Your own ex-wife hates you enough to divorce you. Your very own children may hate you for reasons that are the most disgusting of all.

I wonder what rock-bottom looks like for this guy. When Alan fucking Keyes is your last friend on the planet, it might just be time to re-evaluate your life.

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"...Washington establishment figure if their ever was one..."

Editors just don't exist anymore, do they?

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<i>it underscores how Obama is increasing stoking and provoking anger among whites with his attacks on them</i>

Bad, bad Obama. Pissing off wingnut bigots with his flagrant blackness.

Also, needz moar "uppity".

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"even though he is one half white himself."

Larry Klayman - being one half human, you lose.

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Now that everyone knows about the "secret", it seems like someone ought to get their money back.

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Woodward's humanity isn't "literally" in question.

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