Mootron bomb?

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The Red Brigades?

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The ballet is <a href="https:\/\/archive.org\/details\/The_Red_Detachment_of_Women" target="_blank">on the intertubes</a> -- the moment up there is around 6:35 in part 2. Wikipedia says it was performed for Nixon in 72, but doesn't record his reaction.

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Damnit. Did I miss my chance to put the Koch Brothers up against the wall?

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Ronald Reagan when he supported the Contras?

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If they aren't angry, someone at Faux hasn't done his/her jerb!

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"As in the years leading up to 1776, when King George III had his redcoats break into our homes, steal our weapons of self-defense and other property, and rape and pillage the colonies in general..."

Was that "rape and pillage" before or after the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor?

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I understand why Larry wants the revolutionaries to ride horses. Hoverounds don't maneuver well in tall grass. Also, the "horse manure" is a bitch to get out of the treads.

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He forgot to add "with votes" at the end. Unless he hates democracy and the Constitution.

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The Confederacy?

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Don't insult welfare queens like that.

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It would have to target low intelligence that's not as high as cow intelligence.

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It was a 1-1 draw. We have to have a replay.

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Don't you know Klayman is going for that "virtual" self-defense claim?

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When Larrie and all his million (no, really! he counted!) militia pals show up at the appointed spot to initiate the next revolution, the septic system at the Bundy ranch will be hard-pressed to keep up.

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