Well, my retirement accounts are about to die.

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God, Jim Cramer is such a fucking fraud.

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The return's supposed to be lousy. If it's returning, then something's gone wrong. It's supposed to be a one-way trip.

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"sober"? Inigo Montoya would like a word with you.

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Fuck their feelings.

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How many buttons and sound effects was that?

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Judging from my fridge, mine's all invested in beer. I taste the returns once a night.

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I have a feeling that if the recession gets put off, it hits the moment the next Dem President takes office just so the GOP can blame him/her.

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.... the day when Chuck Todd did the Journalisms better than Jake Tapper....

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The problem is that there is no one dumber than tRump. Not by a light-year.

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Better than jalapeños or habaneros, where the “return” comes the next day.

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Yes, he’s like a latter-day version of Bill Kristol, who piously asserted in 2002 that the Sunni-Shia rift in Iraq was overblown and that once we got rid of Saddam, Iraq would once again become the Garden of Eden or something.

So yeah, we’re toast.

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Its just your standard Republican rape and pillage. Reagan did it, Bush/Cheney did it and now Bankrupt Biff is going for it. The money moves upward in Republican administrations either by reducing taxes or looting the piggy bank.This is their economic plan and some squid saying, the foundations of the economy are strong, is one of their tactics to keep us from grabbing our cash before they can.

*Pro tip: grab your cash and make a stash.

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Oh, he's come right out and said that he believes in picking people who know less than he does so that he's the smartest one in the room. He likes having yes men around him, not advisors.

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When your chief financial adviser is a daydrinker, you might be in trouble.

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Especially if they bring about a change in the Oval Office and flip the Senate.

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