Speaking of Todd:

I'll also accept a trade between a resurrected Madeline Kahn and Chuck Todd

I'd accept a cardboard cutout of Madeline Kahn pulling a hustle on Kermit the Frog instead of Chuck Todd.

Nicer to look at, more than 95% of the time she would challenge the interviewees just as much, and 100% of the time she would be more intimidating. Hell, I think that angled the right way she'd scare more truth out of them as a piece of cardboard than Todd does as a "journalist".


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I like this new tactic when, being called out in a lie, the interviewee complains that he or she isn't being allowed to speak. As if speaking wasn't what got them in trouble in the first place.

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Considering Trump's track record up to now, can you imagine what a clusterfuck he'd make of the train system? Head-on collisions every day!

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He is a tv announcer, completely unqualified. Imagine if they let Al Michaels quarterback the Jets. Ok, bad example, but some team with a good quarterback.

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Ha. _Track_ record.

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More like a carnival barker.https://farm6.staticflickr....

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She's always been great. Such a surprise to see her follow up. Such a service to viewers. Because they're the only ones we see asking questions, and they're the ones who never say, "but you just said the opposite!" because apparently then they'd lose their appearance of neutrality and their editors would be mad. So we viewers have to sit in our living rooms yelling.

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And they never DID while Mussolini was in charge-- it was a shambles.

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That would be amazing. So long as she asked him questions like “You realize what you just said doesn’t make any sense and that sentence had no verb in it, right?“ And "Please get your finger out of my face Mr. President. You agreed to this interview you can’t just say I’ve 'had enough questions'.“

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And a bad huckster, at that.

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I was wondering if the lights get so bright on nighttime city pictures because you let it sit a long time on a tripod, like in astronomy photos.

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Can't be. Meaning there's no voter suppression, just black people spending so much time in fast food lines they don't have time to register to vote? He must just be planting that seed in the minds of people who find it comforting? And find it golden comedy? god bless them

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His claim of losing 3-5 billion on being presidunce is especially hilarious, as if his yearly revenue is anywhere near a billion ameros.

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So on one hand, the tariffs are incredibly high, which is why Trump runs around bragging about "how much money" the Treasury is making off them; but when asked about how much consumers are actually paying in extra costs, it's apparently just an immaterial, piddly amount. Roger that.

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Keilar: "Let me quote something to you the president said." Kudlow: "He didn't say that."Keilar: "Um, yes he did. The words are here *cuts to copy of Trump's exact tweet*Kudlow: "No, they're not." Keilar: "Sigh. Moving on..."

This is how every interview with an administration official goes these days. It's absolutely pointless. And enraging.

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Absolutely! Some of the weekend team at NPR has finally started doing this, too. I guess they realized pointing out your interviewee is presently lying his ass off is more effective than waiting around for fact checkers.At what point does failing to point out the absurdly obvious become bias in its own right?

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