and they all live happily ever after (except for Larry)

The End

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Because it's one sentence with two commas in it. And they aren't so gud with punkshooyayshun.

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They spoke like medieval knight Sir Harry of Callahan?

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I'm a fan of the whole site redesign. Nice job ShyPixel!

The new front page layout is gonna take some time to get used to, but real slick-lookin'.

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Threatening violence for a political goal is how terrorists work. Well played Mr. Pratt.

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OCT boobs scared by real boobs:

<a href="http:\/\/www.rawstory.com\/rs\/2014\/07\/28\/watch-texas-open-carry-advocates-fume-after-skanky-topless-libtards-disrupt-pro-gun-rally" target="_blank">Texas open carry advocates fume after ‘skanky topless libtards’ disrupt pro-gun rally</a>

So much WIN for a Monday morning.

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Why did history teachers lie to me? They kept talking about taxation, stamp acts, different theories of representation and the like leading to revolution. So it was big meanie George wanting their big macho guns. But good thining that second amendment was so big in the declaration of independence.

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