If y'all ever shut down I'd be heartbroken. FINE, take my socialist teacher money and happy holidays, Wonkette.

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Smart people with dirty mouths can accomplish a lot when they work together.

Thank you for giving us a community.

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Here I am singing along to "Perfect Day" and then I realize it was Lou Reed's song. ❤️ No wonder I love Wonkette. I shared this in a Blue State FB page I admin in hopes of rounding up a few subscribers

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Thank you.

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We love you too Trix! Thank you all for keeping me sane

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We love you too Trix! Thank you all for keeping me sane

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Well I tried to stay away, even lurked for a time, and if this (roodword) place has let me set up an account.... Merry merry from mik (i still aintent dead)

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That's going to be a lot of cats!

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What hoon seong & glenglish said, times 10!

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All I want for Christmas is for Trump to go to jail and leave us alone forever together with his clownish pet fascists in Congress has someone said that already?

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All I want for Christmas is a Fuck Manchin and Simena in a leaky rowboat.

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Why cats?

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Last Krishna, I gave you my heart, you said "Kali Ma!" and it burst into flames...

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I’m not crying, you’re crying.

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How did you know I was crying?

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The movie is over if you'd like to join us there for OT.

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I went over to my mom's yesterday and came back this evening.I left the cat home overnight by herself. She had food, water, a small light on, the tv playing for some background noise and the blinds raised enough so she could sit in a window. Still, I don't think she was happy with me for leaving her for 24 hours. But she's in my lap watching tv with me and making biscuits on my leg. So I guess I'm forgiven.

I came home with lots of leftovers and mom's homemade biscotti. I got to meet my new great nephew who is the cutest babby ever to exist besides my own babbies. And my son called me to wish me a Merry Christmas and to tell me HE'S GETTING MARRIED!!!!!

So yeah, pretty good Christmas. I hope all you Wonkers had a good one too, whatever that looked like for you.

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