The employment surge was in the vote-suppression industry. Look for continued growth in coming years.

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Boy the news went to "Put On a Happy Face" mode in a hurry. Almost as if all the doom and gloom was to manipulate vote to cast their ballots a certain way...

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You joke, but the Drudgery Report said on Wednesday that a 100 point gain in the Dow and dollar strength were a response to the Republican Wave. The 9000 point Dow gain since January 2009 was just the Invisible Hand goosing the market.

Winners do get to write the history.

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no moar ISIS, also too

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Yeah, I'm gonna need you to pull a double shift Tuesday, November 4. If you could be in by 5 AM and work until 9 PM, that would be great . . .

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Darn him!

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Before then, they'd better get cracking on reducing the tax burden to zero for <i>all</i> corporation-peoples, and abolishing all regulations.

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It's a comprehensive DIY kit. Simply tap the horseshoes (not included) onto your own feet with nails (not included), tighten the shiny leather saddle (not included) around your midsection, slide the blinders on (included), and then kneel down into position. Now, simply complain about global warming being fake, or regulations killing businesses, or something something freedom, and you're ready to be hitched to a local Kochwagon!

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Chief Justice John Woo.

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