Wait - the Lasvegasnow headline for article about the suicide says " 'Phony' doctor [...] kills himself [...]" What are they trying to imply? Shouldn't that read " Phony 'doctor' [...] kills himself [...]" for greater accuracy??I wonder if that outlet needs a proofreader...

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And what genre did he film?

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Only if it was an Acme brand product of a size just slightly larger than the individual holding it. Anything else is assault with a deadly weapon

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I might actually pay to see that page if I wasn't a broke ass penniless loser. Nice.

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That was another thought that occurred to me. Especially as he also did abortions. Fucking horrifying.

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Oh god, that was bad. Take my upvote, you magnificent bastard.

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Or Lorena Bobbit.

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It's a joke, but not really. How bad are things when this guy is the GOOD option for your urgent healthcare needs?

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Oh, that's horrible. I certainly don't expect surgeons to bankrupt themselves to perform surgeries for people who are transitioning...but if you're going to do it, do it PROPERLY. Do a great job at a fair price with decent follow-up. Don't half-arse it and then shove medically and psychologically vulnerable people out to fend for themselves.

Fuck doctors who rip off desperate people.

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I was gonna call it Peterland, but that gay bar by the airport already took it.

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I think I would prefer Dr. Howard, Dr. Fine or Dr. Howard to this guy.

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Na. He didn't take that fake phony fait U.S. paper money. As the esteemed Doktor Zoom said, cans of Pork and Beans are the real coin of the realm.

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I'm trying to envision what genre of porn he would have been a star of.

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