Length times Girth over Angle of the Shaft (aka YAW) divided by mass over WIDTH....

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you misspelled <Karl>

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And all that.

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why does Obummer hate oncologists?

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"...and so am I" (obvs Today In Glass Desks is on)

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The typical Faux viewer is not as smart as a 7th grader. You can be sure that very, very few of them noticed the bullshit scaling, and that virtually all of them think Obamacare is an abject failure.

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In this case, not as well as lies and damned lies.

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According to my local teabagging Fucks Gnus victim, the numbers are misleading, because of sick people. Anybody know what wingnut nonsense that's supposed to be about?

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With a nasty memo from Ailes in between.

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Sometimes, patterns or relative values are hard to see when you chart data from zero on the vertical axis. With only two bars on the chart, however, <i>nothing is illustrated by slicing off the lower portions.</i>

The only purpose you could possibly have is to blatantly lie. Which is just what Fucks Gnus is doing here. Jon Stewart will get a good face-palming moment out of it, but the teabaggers and RWNJs who lap this shit up will remain ignorant.

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It's OK, it's a leap of faith year

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This chart reminded me of sixth grade. We had an assignment to prepare and deliver a misleading advertisement, with visual aids. I can no longer remember what I was comparing, but I thought I was clever as hell to use bar graphs with no labels on the y-axis, and also to put the base of the graph well up from the y-origin.

Actually, it went over rather well. The teacher saw what I did, and many of my classmates swallowed the idea whole.

Now that I think of it, I suppose that means a lot of my contemporaries are now taking Fox News seriously.

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Karl Rove would be proud

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I knew I'd find it: <a href="http:\/\/mediamatters.org\/static\/images\/item\/fnc-an-20111212-unemployment.jpg" target="_blank">my favorite Fucks Gnus bullshit graph. </a>

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Figures don't lie, but liars figure.

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FOX would disdain a cure for cancer if it came from the Obama administration.

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