That's Jorge now!

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Muslin is a type of cloth. A Muslim is one who practices Islam, a cult of hatred and death masquerading as a religion. Jesus was named a prophet by the founder of Islam, Mohammed, who was an illiterate psychotic pedophile in the seventh century.

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Wow, that was pretty amazin'! You just proved all my points for me!!!

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Not according to Satan's bible


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I don't like the index finger stuck in my face from anybody. I've noticed people using it, and most do, are trying to gather support from some outside source to overcome someone else's point. For example waving their finger at you they say something like, "God will get you!" or "We do things the right way around here!" Of course its up to you to choose to believe them or not. It really irks them though when you say something like, "That's what you choose to believe." They are reduced to then facing that it is them trying to get you to support their opinion and their lame reference is merely a lame reference.

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I always knew Margaret Thatcher was a secret Muslim.

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I've seen it work a couple of times, but over at Gothamist it's an issue.

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Deletion function is hidden in the upper right hand corner of the comments box, along with the flag as inappropriate function. Point your cursor there and it will magically appear. After deletion, there will be a ghost reminder that something had been posted in the spot, but neither content nor poster will be identified.

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Wait, Muslims only have one god? That's weird!

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You libburls can laugh all you want to at F. W. but what he and/or she wrote is just the tip of the can of worms. Have you noticed that Obama frequently shakes hands with visitors. What is a little-known fact is that the handshake is a secret Muslin sign. It is exactly like a regular handshake except that, between Muslins, it communicates a bunch of stuff I am too busy to look up right this minute. The point is that they are using the Christian handshake for their own purposes. They are just that clever.

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Because if I wanted to Islam to infiltrate the highest levels of US government, I'd make sure it was done by a guy named BARACK HUSSEIN OBAMA and not somebody named something more patriotic like George Eaglemann.

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Wave your hands finger in the air like you don't care /Demonstrate you are partisans of Muhammad’s God concept /Affirm your belief in Muhammad’s claim he was the interface between God and man and also demonstrate you are part of the umma, the exclusive transtribal supertribe of believers that Muhammad started 1,400 years ago!


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What will the lunatic right go into pants-wetting hysteria over once the president's term ends?

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According to Liz Cheney (through Rachel Maddow), you are probably Al Qaeda.

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All the way! What does it mean??

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