I expect my X to show up at any time now....

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I started watching "ghost caught on camera!" videos a while back, initially because I like being creeped out. Unfortunately most videos are people wandering around shitty buildings, asking their ghost buddies if they heard this or saw that, and fleeing at the first sign of anything remotely interesting happening. Boring. As. Hell.

The aspect of it that kept me watching was the desperation of people to believe this stuff, both the posters and the people commenting. I'm sure there's a thesis in it somewhere. I'd say the bulk of the videos rely on you just believing the poster isn't lying about having a friend around, pulling on string or tipping over furniture, at which point it ceases to be evidence.

People in the comments will say, "But why would anyone LIE about this?", to which the obvious answer is "attention." Some people are desperate for clicks, likes, and the attention of others, and if they can't earn it honestly, they'll fake it. These bullshit investigations are bringing these type of people out in droves.

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Whar Jennifer Love Hewitt he

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There is too vote fraud! A few people got caught trying to vote for Trump twice!

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I was on an isekai bender for a while. Overlord, and Magical Shopping Arcade Abenobashi are awesome, fully recommend.

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I watched all of one episode of a show called "Paranormal State." It featured a bunch of students at Penn State who were also amateur ghost hunters, because apparently, Jerry Sandusky wasn't embarrassing enough for my alma mater. The closest any of them came to finding a "ghost" was one of them feeling a breeze on the back her neck.


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"I know drug real from real real."

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Are you Mitch McConnell and the Senate Republicans??

Because I feel like if anything might have been really truly stolen, it was those downballot races.

I liked that Not-Lindsey-Graham. That was a nice Not-Lindsey-Graham.

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claiming his family was plagued by scary ghosts — ghosts who even managed to scare his family in several different states.

No one with a full skull would read the thing today, but in the original "novel" of The Amityville Horror, the spooky-boos follow the Lutz putzes to their new home after they flee The House, making the walls all oozy. Apparently everyone was unharmed, though, because the book ends there, on what one might think would be a huge development if any of it were true as they claimed.

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But but but it's not really fraud if you're following the orders of the Generalissimo-in-Chief!

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Is there such thing as a Lessbius strip?

His head being up his own ass is pretty observable though.

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It just makes TOO much sense!

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The downside is, you'd be Donald Trump and owe all them booga-booga bucks to Uncle Vladimir.

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So we have more documented cases of Rudy sharting himself in a single legislative hearing than we have cases of voter fraud. Got it.

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Oh nice! I'll check them out!

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