Nutella libel!

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Do you know if blue agave syrup works?

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By all means look for a low sugar alternative (see below), myself I don't care for most sugar replacements, so just work on portion control. Also check out freezer jams which use less sugar and don't turn your kitchen into a Turkish steam bath. (Generally, sugar/pectin is a balancing act.)

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I was making peach jam when 9/11 "happened". It was good jam. My dad lived in an area in western Canada where peaches grew, and he sent me this big box of the suckers. They weren't particularly good for eating, so I tried my hand at peach jam. I was processing the first batch and was just finishing up, and flicked on the tv.

I was in my early thirties. No kids yet. I wasn't an alcoholic yet, but I think the groundwork was actively being laid. At that point, I was on a day off from my job as a nurse, and making peach jam.

Anyway, it was in between the plane strikes. I remember reports and pictures post first strike, and thinking or hearing the prevailing opinion that it was an accident, and then the second plane hit. No more talk of accident at that point. I cleaned up and went into work. My wife at the time worked on the same unit I did. She was an admin assistant. Funnily enough, we worked well together. I loved her and still do although we are no longer married. It was a great gig too. I loved that unit. Geri-Rehab and Neurolocomotor. Strokes, MS patients and post traumatic brain injuries. It was the best part of my still continuing career (didn't quite drink myself out of a career, but drank myself out of a couple of jobs before AA got its claws into me).

So I walked on to the unit, and shared the news with those at the nurses station. No one really knew anything at this point and we went to the nearest tv to see what was going on. I'm not sure where we were in the exact chronology of events, were the towers down by that point? I don't think so...anyway everyone was kind of dazed after that.

And then I left and finished making the jam. It really turned out well. Sweet, tangy and peachy. Great on toast. My first and only attempt at making peach jam. I just haven't run into that many peaches again.

Was this as weird for you as it was for me...?

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Now THIS I can spank to!

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That whole post is one of the most interesting things I've read in the last year.

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I bet yo dick smell like peanut butter.

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This is why I gave up cooking. Unfortunately, this only resulted in my kids being skinny, not me.

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Slivovitz. Well worth the trouble, and you'll make a lot of friends.

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Splenda can be used to make jams

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I wouldn't touch the stuff, let alone eat it. I'll stick with fruits and sugar alcohols.

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Actually, my dick was toast.

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And you and the pie would be where right now?

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The nanny state.

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I really need to get a bottle of that.

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