That is appalling. Why can't they use local primary schools like we do? Oh wait, people of colour might actually rock up to vote and we couldn't have that, oh no. As if the ratfuckers even give two shits about Americans with disabilities.

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Thank you. My attempted question was not so much what voters care about, but what specific things that politicians of the minority party, if they take the majority, were offering to the voting public, and from where this voice might be speaking. I was trying to say that it seems to me that there is not a clear, coherent, `this will change in this way' voice or voices that have the kind of recognition that is needed at this time. The Obamas can't do it all, and shouldn't have to. They've taken a big step back, and are using their recognition judiciously and sparingly, for good reasons. There's a vacuum here, and it's not truly being filled. And I was attempting to point out that if I, a committed voter, feel this way, what might be the impact on people who are less committed? Should this be a concern? Can we talk about it? We know the spokespeople of the Right--and probably many of us cringe and reduce the volume when they start to boom and rant. The voices of the Left? Not so much. There are a few that have that kind of power of recognition, but I don't have a strong sense of specific changes that are being offered up. I think this is a problem that is worth considering. JC addressed this in part by bringing up the power of controversy in selling air time, but that point was delivered with condescension and elitism; Moe's post was laced with hostility and derision. Since the posts below were offered up, I have been less interested in my original question, and thinking more about the quality of the responses I received. My initial takeaway from the posts was that there was not a coherent message, so instead the posters chose to attack--suggesting that the question may have hit too close to home. Perhaps I failed in communicating what I was trying to say, but the responses were understood by me to be this: a whiff of possible critique will be met with an attack worthy of the most vicious of Republicans. I found myself wondering if I would even bother to vote after all--what was the point? Were these the kind of people for whom I was attempting to change things? And if so, why bother? I watched to see if anyone would stand up and say, "These people do not speak for me, I do not accept this treatment of another person in this forum, do not be a dick to others." Deafening silence. Indifference? Agreement? Cowardice? I would only be speculating, but I'm guessing that for each of those posters, scores read their responses and said nothing at all, and from my perspective, swung their collective weight behind JC and Moe. In effect, those two became what I said appeared to be missing: the voice of the Democratic Party, their message loud and clear. It appears to me that civility is becoming less and less important in this country; the more time I spend elsewhere, the more glaringly obvious that becomes. The responses I received left me questioning my investment in the outcome, and realizing it might be healthier for me to step away from this and redirect the time and emotional energy I've been putting into politics.

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"I am not a member of any organized political party. I'm a Democrat." Will Rogers. Health care is a huge issue with voters this year. It's something many candidates are talking about. Different candidates will do well in different areas, by being the best candidate for that area. The Obamas are out there too.

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This is a really good idea. We should all pester our Representatives and Senators and any of their staff we know about it.

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Vote real hard!! https://images.dailykos.com...

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Rachel had a feature last night on Republican Congressmen (plural!!) who sent out the wrong dates & times for the Democrats in their districts to vote. On purpose.https://www.rawstory.com/20...

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Pretty sure -- demographically at least -- that was about love leading someone where they'd ideally rather not be.

I'd be all for a series on demographic trends as reflected in pop music, tho.

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Best part of this son is the meter/cadence.

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Have they explained how being a mile from the nearest bus stop makes it "accessible" to the disabled?

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You know, OTOH, you might be right. Thank you for doing your part to add to respectful and helpful dialogue. I can see that between you and Moe, this country is in good hands. Carry on.

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I have. It says, "They're liars. They're wrong. They screwed up." I'm asking a fair question, which is--what else do you have? I would say at this point, the official dem mission had better well be written on the face of the moon. The situation is grave, and your response is part of the problem, whether you see it or not.

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Feel free to substitute "mass media of your choice" for TV.

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Thank you for the helpful reply. I don't have a tee-vee box.

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Well, what Moe said, but also -- I'm guessing the unspoken part of your comment is that "I don't see this stuff on the tee-vee box." Which is because the MSM chases ratings, not community service, so they cover the ones that are screaming the stupid shit because that gets eyeballs for the commercials.

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Get off your fucking ass and look up the CLEARLY EXPRESSED opinions of the Dems running in your state/district, ya lazy fuck. You want the OFFICIAL DEM MISSION STATEMENT to be written on the face of the moon? Fuck you. Jeezus, Christ, idiots like you deserve fucking Trump.

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