So I don’t get why republicans are saying stupid shit like since Kamala doesn’t have kids she shouldn’t be in the White House deciding things for our kids. Isn’t that a bit hypocritical? I mean old republican dudes w/o a uterus decided what women should or should not do w their bodies. You know bodies WITH a uterus. Damn! Pick a lane or get off the fucking road!
"Republicans were very much trying to push this meme that they are happy and we are miserable..."
MAGA dolts seem to take at least 50% of actual reality, and flip it on its head before spewing it back out as *their* reality. ("Biden crime family", GOP is "for" freedom, etc.) "Every accusation is an admission" is sort of a subset of the general phenomenon.
I wonder if it's a subtle admission, that they're barely aware of, of what's actually real, since they have to start with that before figuring out how to flip it.
Another revival of Puritanism. When the Pilgrims saw the stern and rockbound coast of their new home they must have felt a spiritual kinship with that unwelcoming scene. No soft land of milk and honey, no fiddler's green, but another trial to test their faith and confirm their dour and joyless outlook.
I've always wondered why some people push the narrative that the pilgrims came to North America to escape religious persecution, when the the historical fact is that they fled England because they didn't think there was enough religious persecution (of people other than them, of course).
Reporting being happy is very different from being happy. Growing up as a conservative Christian, I would have told you I was happy. If I wasn't happy, it showed a lack of faith, and God would torture me for all eternity if I died in that moment, so I had to be happy. I was never happy though.
I'm hardly jovial and cheerful, but I'm a lot happier now that I've left that hate and fear behind.
It's clear that a pathological amount of repression exists on the far right. Those who are uptight about women and sex, or just sex are usually obsessed with it in a closeted way. I think it's clear from the amount of support kamala is getting that most of us citizens are pissed about the misogynistic far right's assumption that they get to enslave women and everybody else who won't fall in line with their crap.
I find Kamala's laugh amazingly refreshing. It is not a weird laugh, and she seems genuine when she does it. I cannot recall ever having seen or heard Trump laugh.
"Aside from this being very obviously untrue, can we just acknowledge if it were remotely possible to “ascend to the top” by giving blowjobs, straight men would have nothing."
Well they do, they just don't talk about it because that would be gay
Laughing (or not) is not a relevant issue in an election. Health care, civil rights, justice, equal rights for all, caring for all children, etc., are issues.
Anyone who thinks laughing is an issue should not vote; they are not mentally qualified.
I could make a case for preferring a woman who seems to laugh and enjoy life in a genuine manner over a dour, concrete-souled grumpus whom I have never heard laugh even once.
I would not make an issue of it politically, but to me it bespeaks character.
“I'm not surprised boys look up to Andrew Tate,” she wrote on social media. “Police call it ‘terrifying’ but only have to look at themselves/all around them, to see why. Covering everything in rainbow flags and 'celebrating' men becoming women - no wonder lads admire a man who is proud to be 100pc male.”
Ah, so she's doing a retread of Matt Bors' "You made me become a Nazi" cartoon:
So I don’t get why republicans are saying stupid shit like since Kamala doesn’t have kids she shouldn’t be in the White House deciding things for our kids. Isn’t that a bit hypocritical? I mean old republican dudes w/o a uterus decided what women should or should not do w their bodies. You know bodies WITH a uterus. Damn! Pick a lane or get off the fucking road!
"Republicans were very much trying to push this meme that they are happy and we are miserable..."
MAGA dolts seem to take at least 50% of actual reality, and flip it on its head before spewing it back out as *their* reality. ("Biden crime family", GOP is "for" freedom, etc.) "Every accusation is an admission" is sort of a subset of the general phenomenon.
I wonder if it's a subtle admission, that they're barely aware of, of what's actually real, since they have to start with that before figuring out how to flip it.
If women could rise to the top by sucking dick, there would be no more dicks up there to suck.
That’s a myth that conservatives are happier.
All then conservatives I know are angry unhappy and miserable They are I total doom spirals with all the internet conspiracy garbage
Keep talking fellas, I'm sure that will work for you.
Another revival of Puritanism. When the Pilgrims saw the stern and rockbound coast of their new home they must have felt a spiritual kinship with that unwelcoming scene. No soft land of milk and honey, no fiddler's green, but another trial to test their faith and confirm their dour and joyless outlook.
As the joke goes, England send its criminals to Australia and its religious fanatics to North America. Australia got the better deal.
Oh yes.
I've always wondered why some people push the narrative that the pilgrims came to North America to escape religious persecution, when the the historical fact is that they fled England because they didn't think there was enough religious persecution (of people other than them, of course).
To paraphrase Gore Vidal, puritans didn’t come to America to escape persecution, they were kicked out of Europe for persecuting everyone else’
Hard to feel pride in the real story, hence the Disneyfied fairy tale.
My church descended from one of several that dissented from the Church of England. The Puritans dissented the wrong way.
I remember a slogan from a National Lampoon cover: "Let's laugh them off the face of the Earth!"
And, "her cackle" -- another dog whistle for "witch attribute."
Reporting being happy is very different from being happy. Growing up as a conservative Christian, I would have told you I was happy. If I wasn't happy, it showed a lack of faith, and God would torture me for all eternity if I died in that moment, so I had to be happy. I was never happy though.
I'm hardly jovial and cheerful, but I'm a lot happier now that I've left that hate and fear behind.
Proof that giving blowjobs doesn't elevate one to public office: I have never held any public office.
It's clear that a pathological amount of repression exists on the far right. Those who are uptight about women and sex, or just sex are usually obsessed with it in a closeted way. I think it's clear from the amount of support kamala is getting that most of us citizens are pissed about the misogynistic far right's assumption that they get to enslave women and everybody else who won't fall in line with their crap.
Hate makes them happy. Its that simple. Of COURSE they're happy
I find Kamala's laugh amazingly refreshing. It is not a weird laugh, and she seems genuine when she does it. I cannot recall ever having seen or heard Trump laugh.
"Aside from this being very obviously untrue, can we just acknowledge if it were remotely possible to “ascend to the top” by giving blowjobs, straight men would have nothing."
Well they do, they just don't talk about it because that would be gay
Laughing (or not) is not a relevant issue in an election. Health care, civil rights, justice, equal rights for all, caring for all children, etc., are issues.
Anyone who thinks laughing is an issue should not vote; they are not mentally qualified.
I could make a case for preferring a woman who seems to laugh and enjoy life in a genuine manner over a dour, concrete-souled grumpus whom I have never heard laugh even once.
I would not make an issue of it politically, but to me it bespeaks character.
“I'm not surprised boys look up to Andrew Tate,” she wrote on social media. “Police call it ‘terrifying’ but only have to look at themselves/all around them, to see why. Covering everything in rainbow flags and 'celebrating' men becoming women - no wonder lads admire a man who is proud to be 100pc male.”
Ah, so she's doing a retread of Matt Bors' "You made me become a Nazi" cartoon:
For a bunch of right-wing male chauvinists, the Republican guys really seem to hate blow jobs.
Unless it's at the Convention from Grinder. I guess what happens in Milwaukee stays in Milwaukee.