Laura Ingraham Calls Stormy Daniels 'Angry Shrew.' That's It, That's The Joke.
There's a word for this.
Fox News star Laura Ingraham, a person who probably wouldn’t help an old lady across the street even if they were offering to give her back her old, far superior time slot, reacted to the two days of testimony we’ve seen so far from Stormy Daniels:
Ingraham said, and we quote, “Daniels comes across as not only an angry shrew, but an angry shrew who’s also an extortionist.”
We feel like there is a word for the thing Ingraham is doing, and we invite every psychologist and mental health professional who ever lived to identify it.
Here are Wonkette’s recaps of the testimony of Stormy Daniels, angry shrew, JK Daniels comes off as an extremely credible witness and personable human being.
We only wrote this post so we could repost our picture of that time we met Stormy Daniels 100 years ago at an event for the fabulous Abortion Access Front. She was as kind and funny as she could be, and Laura Ingraham can go fuck herself while we all try to remember the word for that thing she was doing when she called Daniels an “angry shrew.”
[video via Acyn]
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I don't know what word Evan has in mind, but that photo of him and Ms. Daniels could certainly be made into a slide that is then placed in a device of some kind and shown on a screen.
Upfist for a great picture.