O yeah, I know. I work in Oakland.Don't forget the disenfranchisement though. They got a lot of Democrats dropped from the voter rolls.

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That poor good man!All he wanted was an All American Blonde girl, one with character and self-discipline. Well, he was well out of a bad situation there!

Then he got his wish apparently, and didn't he let her down?? Where are our heroes?

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Wait, what?Oddly, I found this first try when I was double checking but have not been able to locate it again. The IRS search keeps bringing me to 2017 info instead.

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I didn't know that.Ye gods, whose idea was that?

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You didn't know that? The standard deduction is doubled - but no more personal exemptions.

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Did that possibly really happen?

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What role did Dinesh play?

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CAPTCHA actually worked for a couple of months, which is kind of impressive.

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Among the Scandinavians there are Sven and Ole jokes.

Years ago the leader of one of the Christian branches that was populated by Scandinavians stood up at a convention and said, in effect, "We must stop telling such ethnic jokes about the others among us. But the jokes are funny. I have discovered a way to tell these jokes without insulting anyone, because I have researched and found a group of people who no longer exist: the Hittites. There are no Hittites on earth. Therefore we can tell these jokes about Hittites without fear of insulting anyone. I would like to tell one"

He then proceeded to begin to tell a joke: "There were these two Hittites named Sven and Ole..."

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Rita and her ilk failed the Jehovah's Witnesses course on "How to Make Polite Conversation Through a Crack in the Door" and now is forced to earn a living by expounding bullshit through a crack in the Internet. Wish there were a way to slam the door on Rita's or Carmen's, etc. fingers on their keyboards.

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The day is coming when Fux decides the company can't carry the financial burden of programing with negligible ad revenue to cover costs. Something wrong with that gal. Her personal history suggest she is a couple of cards short of a full deck.

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Mr. Redhead knew Laura Ingraham in college. Knew her when she was dating that other well known not-racist person Distort D' Newsa. He said she was an out and out racist then and she hasn't changed.

He also offers this interesting tid-bit: in college she pronounced her last name as 3 syllables Ing - Gra - Ham. The current Ing - Gram is of recent vintage. She also wasn't blonde back then either.

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Looks like the BotMasters have found a way to defeat CAPTCHA.

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No; I don't know the name of the man in the picture.

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she's gross but still... She couldn't ever have thought he was a cute man. Just wanted to be a power couple?? Oh hard to believe in.

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Oh. Do you know his name?

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