There's not enough tequila in this whole city...

Besides, it would only spawn a 2x4 joke within about 20 seconds, and Dok would be all "hmmm" about that, and, well . . . it's all just not worth the trouble.

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From Pat Buchanan this isn't surprising, but Ingraham is usually presented as maybe a little above this sort of thing.

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Not even with Pat Buchanan's vote!

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I'd suggest <i>Not Intended To Be A Factual Statement</i> for the job, but I think he's got a pretty good gig already as the Gold-Plated Standard Of Fuckwittery.

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"Come on, it wasn't a gun sound effect, it was a surveyor's explosion!"

___Snark Reserves Depleted____

Anyone who uses a gunshot sound effect on the anniversary of one of the most moving speeches of a leader <b>who was shot to death</b> is a terrible person. Period. Full-stop.

There's probably not enough invective in the entire universe to heap upon this awfulness, so I'll just go with the right and proper and accurate end result:

Nobody will ever celebrate a single word uttered by Laura Ingraham.

Pick any number of years after her death, and the silence will be deafening. Mark a 50-year anniversary of any diatribe she unleashed? Yeah, no. History doesn't get written for "Laura Ingraham" except maybe in a rarely searched Wikipedia post marking her existence as some kind of radio person, and perhaps this shitty little sad nugget of ignominy will also get preserved.

And in truth, the electrons used to retain the fact that she existed? It will have been far more than she ever deserved.

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There's a whole class of businesses that find the derp demographic irresistible: get-rich quick scammerss, peddlers of gold coins and prepper supplies, and used pickup truck salesmen.

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And of course you are attacking them if you point out that their characters contain only malice, ignorance and general uselessness. They're also angry that the color of their skin isn't the asset it used to be.

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The subject changes form them to you in D), but other than that, very colorful and original!

I give it a Q+

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No wonder he is fucking crazy...

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Buchanan and Ingram....apparently water and idiocy both seek their own levels.

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In a very perverse way, it's some kind of progress that these cretins are so anxious to coopt MLK. What kind of progress that actually is, I don't know, but it's SOME kind of it!

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Gunshot sounds, really Laura? You should class up your show by using farts, belches and cheesy porn music canned sound effects.

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Hardly anybody ever fantasizes about prunes anyway, but maybe at Pat's age things change.

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