Laura Ingraham Knows What Causes Mass Shootings, It Is Kids These Days Smoking Doobies With Their Brothers
Fox News sure does have a good racket going on. It's like that scene in 101 Dalmatians where all the puppies are obsessed with the TV commercial for dog treats, except instead of cute puppies it's white racists and instead of dog treats it's dog treats for dog-brained white racists. And they do this all night, every night .
Old white people turn on the Fox News tube, because it soothes them and confirms their grievances. If Tucker's on, he tells them the Highland Park mass shooting happened because women won't stop lecturinghimthe shooter, and if Laura Ingraham is on, she tells them the mass shooting happened because of the evils of devil pot reefer weed. This comforts them, because it is a thing they have been saying since 1968, when that nice white boy Nixon was president.
LAURA INGRAHAM (HOST): On the mass shooting in Illinois, indications are that Robert Crimo was a regular pot user.
We googled "Robert Crimo" and "marijuana," and one of the first results was the Substack belonging to rightwing COVID anti-vax porn star and "former New York Times reporter" Alex Berenson, who cited Reddit as his source. (He's not really a porn star, unless there's an OnlyFans for performatively contrarian opinions that we don't know about.) Fox News is obsessed with that guy, they have his posters on their ceilings, they all fap to him, and they love how he is a "former New York Times reporter," because that means he is stickin' it to the liberals by saying the truths that they don't want you to hear . He's the one The Atlanticbranded "the pandemic's wrongest man."
And likewise, that guy is obsessed with the belief that marijuana causes all manner of craziness.
We bet he was real cool in high school. He's so weird .
But this is where these people are getting their information. Berenson goes on Ingraham's show all the time. And this is not Ingraham's (or Tucker Carlson's ) first time going down this road of "weed causes mass shootings."
Back to the transcript:
INGRAHAM: Now, one look at him and to the untrained eye he looks like a complete psychotic, if you've ever seen anyone looking like him. What can regular pot use trigger in young men in particular? Psychosis and other violent personality changes.
Uh huh, okeydoke.
Now, to be clear, we should emphasize that it was our own Googling that got us to Berenson. Ingraham does not say his name in the segment above. ( This time. ) She does cite this recent New York Times story about how some newer marijuana products do indeed have way more THC than in the olden days, and how that may be causing some issues for some younger users. Of course, she doesn't really prove her case, but instead just hops from that article to weird speculation that maybe the Uvalde mass shooter was a psychotic pothead and then just completely wilds out about weed for three more minutes.
Point is, it is definitely the pot reefers, which are very exotic to Fox News's geriatric white audience, which is causing all the mass shootings. That audience has zero clue half their neighbors under 55 smoke pot.
And it is NOT GUNS.
Besides, have you seen the eyes of these mass shooters? Guns don't kill people, pot eyes kill people!
INGRAHAM: These are the eyes of some of the mass killers who have reportedly been regular pot users. Look at them. Those in politics and in the media who devote their time and energy to fear mongering on fake issues while covering up the truth about the growing scourge of violent psychosis in our young people, they have to be called out. They have to be defeated.
Oh fuck it, we'll just copy/paste the thing from Berenson's Substack, since it seems like everybody is:
Much of the online evidence about Crimo that has come out since last night - the pamphlet made up entirely of numbers and the bizarre Twitter feed - screams untreated or uncontrolled psychosis. Expect his family to make halting statements about mental illness soon.
The headline? "Cannabis user of the day: Bobby Crimo III."
These people are such fucking squares.
[ Media Matters / Alex Berenson ]
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I consider it pretty nifty if I can make an ounce last more than a fortnight, and I have yet to buy a gun, much less open fire on a parade.
“Pot! Even when I didn’t know it was pot, I knew it was pot!”
On the plus side, at least these assholes are taking a break from piling on the comic books and video games…?