You'd have to ask Edward II, if you believe the common telling.

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They can pry my canned clams out of my cold, dead, monstrous hands.

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Et tu Subaru?

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I dunno... White Sea Canal.

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The government is not blocking her from free speech, stop letting far right wing people tell you otherwise. No one from the guberment is telling sponsors to flee from her, it's another person with the same rights to free speech saying, hey sponsors, look at this person's content and realize there is a sizable amount of people and a ethical group that the show is counter. Maybe someone has to remind Laura Ingraham (since she's conveniently forgotten) that she spoke of boycott measures against Kathy Griffin (on air so it's recorded). So at this point, Ingraham is kinda saying she was being a fascist. Hopefully she won't say it's okay but she Laura Ingraham and other people aren't.

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Funny how it's "the free market correcting itself" when right-wing wackadoodles are screaming for boycotts.

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Don't forget, hipsters! Botulism is 100% organic.

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For someone with no free speech she sure does a lot of yakking.

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Oh yeah. I’m new to this being old thing. I forget there used to be no TVs.

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violent fantasies against women and children seem to be a constant in right wing politics

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So then, I guess she'll have Kathy Griffin on to talk about how it was okay for her to post a picture of the president dead? Because free speech.

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Yap all you want, Eva Braun, just don't expect me to give my money to someone who turns around and uses it to pay for your soapbox and megaphone.

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Like all bullies, they prefer to pick on those perceived to be weak and helpless. That's why all the push-back is scaring them. They're not supposed to be able to hit back!

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You forgot, her likeness would have been Photoshopped out of all of Faux's promotional material, her name erased from the employment records, and any recordings of her show confiscated and burned.Yeah, okay, that actually sounds like a pretty good idea.

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I guess canning is a good way of keeping the claims fresh.

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In the same way hyenas and lions are pals when there's a fresh zebra carcass directly between them.

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