Everything I have to say about this unless Bint and Tucker Swanson is REDACTED

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If most cops had the restraint under duress that these four officers did (and also the entire Capitol Police), we would have so many fewer problems with violence by the cops.

Think about it: no cop emptied their clip because they got nervous in that entire insurrection. More fortitude than most people are able to show

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Fox will black the blue for partisan purposes.

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Yeah, I got nothing

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The deathly silence among police organizations outside the Capitol police says a lot more about how fucked up things are than anything this asshole can say.

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Blue Lives Matter except when they get in the way of our coup d'etat.

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Real victims of right-inspired or enabled violence are always crisis actors. White political activists who provably lie about being spit on or threatened are always martyred "ordinary folks."

There is evil in the world.

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The handing out of awards thing, and the voicemail comments about an Emmy or Oscar, feel coordinated, or at least one latched onto the other’s messaging point. How often does anyone on Fox state anything at all if it’s not a propaganda narrative they are pushing to trend?

NaziBarbie is the Tucker Carlson of Laura Ingrahams.

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Pretty sure I stopped at that bait store in Livingston once and good luck Faux tourists finding anything more secluded.

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It's almost like the police unions are far more committed to fascism than to defending cops in the line of fire.

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