And the racistism. If you really think you can categorize people that way then just think how stupid you must be. I mean this. How stupid must you be for such a statement to be meaningful-- I have an Ashkenazi IQ. And for a woman to talk about her breast size to some guy is so peculiar, since he's standing there, right? Then if they take their clothes off, it's so sexy when she says, "See? I told ya!"

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Yeah, sorry to repeat you.

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That's what the bar association is for-- it regulates lawyers. It regulates lawyers whlo are crooks and take their clients money, or get drunk, or molest their clients. This may be too mild. It's my son's job. He told me they have to prioritize acts that harm clients. They don't have resources for those other niceties. But it's not ethical to file stupid lawsuits, except to serve god-like figures such as for example Donald Trump.

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Once in the car I was listening to a truly interesting philosopher on the radio talking about god-- he seemed to believe in God, and he and the interviewer just seemed to get around to that very question for which I'd been waiting and hoping-- because I'd never heard anyone interesting and human discuss it, and JUST THEN, I entered the Caldicott Tunnel-- the one that doesn't have any radio coverage inside it. Because the universe doesn't have an answer for me! When I came through to the other side they were chatting on another subject, all happy, AND it was raining. How do you suppose that made me feel, Mr. Goonemeritus? It was so cruel.

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It would seem God wanted everyone to know the answer but you. There is mounting evidence that God is a teenager with a bad attitude.

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I know. Damn. I"m pretty disappointed... And the rain and everything.

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Some might even say that is one of the only things they actually consistently notice

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Still we both made it through 2020 so that is nice.

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lawyer Lauren X. Topelsohn ???

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I certainly would.

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so what you're saying is...when Josh Hawley and Tom Cotton take office she'll be n their cabinet

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I would go trash their ass in the parking lot.

If I had thr time.....

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What is your opinion based on? There is a lot to dislike about the practice of law anywhere in the US, but most judges are reasonably competent and well-intentioned. Most of the work done by active members of The Florida Bar is statutory revision and update, generally quite technical. I speak from long experience.

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I know. So many outrageous things to be raging about, and then I just forget that I'm alive at least. Partly because I'm inside all the time. Or maybe there's no excuse at all. Here I ought to put some emoji.

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I can verify this.

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Wow. The only other person I know banned from Lyft is a terrible party kid who puked in Lyft cars multiple times.

That is a kind of achievement.

I mean, not a terrible kid in badness rather a purposefully adorable bad kid.

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