Those spectacles are definitely off the rack @ Rite-Aid.

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Were they pretending or did they really not know the thousand fundamental problems with Trump? The serious ones, I mean. Because they always cite the stupidest reasons why the Left hates him--- like because Trump showed how bad they are at the economy or with immigration or whatev.

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Bony Carrots? You win the internets today.https://en.wiktionary.org/w...

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Wrong, no one hates you they just find you to be a disgusting person.

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I call her "BOOBert" because she's such a dumb boob.

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I can't claim authorship of that nickname.

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It's a dry hate.

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That a Dokism. IIRC.

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That reminds me of Maria Bartiroma trademarking "Money Honey" and never realizing it was pejorative.

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Except, I believe she has already reproduced, that would have qualified her for a Darwin award.

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Stupid people always breed.

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Probably a chin implant

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ooh don't tell Ron Paul.

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I don't understand these people who don't get that giving poor people money when they're broke pours money into the towns where those people live, besides preventing starvation and basic human distress. Young people whose schizophrenia never happens because the stressors never come into their lives.

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That's because she only has the ordinary traits of being warm-hearted and dependable, whereas you're a man guys can trust about their spotlight.

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