May all your clams be uncanned.

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Politicians don't seem to understand how graphs work.

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Non-Seattle city here, too. $900/mo is either a luxury dry cabin or a shithole with running water.

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And, of course, being the shortsighted idiots they are to a person, The GOP doesn't even consider that their policies reducing the lifespan of their most ardent supporters just speeds up the use of a finite resource.

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'It's okay, it'll buff out, trust me!'

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Matthew who?- Donnie

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So, to paraphrase: The GOP has had more than a decade to come up with a brilliant health plan to replace Obamacare with, and couldn't come up with ANYTHING, whining that's it's too haaarrrrrd to come up with a new thing until AFTER they're repealed the old thing. Meanwhile, Democrats somehow manage to simultaneously produce plans for Medicare for all AND enhancements to Obamacare to cover the gap until we can get there. Weird.

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I now officially have an embarrassment of political crushes.

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And does she take her lunch shaken or stirred?

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"Stepford & Son" brand insurance is better.

No, no, no." Steptoe & Son," dammit.

Although a mashup of The Stepford Wives and Steptoe and Son might be interesting to see. Once.

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I helped campaign for Underwood in a small way and I am fucking delighted with her grit and her honesty so far.

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Stephen has given voice to the issues at hand. Thrilled this morning when (D) outcry over Barr included DOJ attempt to eliminate ACA. Great unwashed must be reminded at every turn that Cheeto & Co. are out to get their healthcare, such as it is.

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ITYM "If it ain't broke for the billionaires why fix it?"

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...we Republicans are not in the business of either solving the problems as they exist today or (LOL) identifying the root cause of the problem. We They are in the business of figuring out how the last minute aspect of the problem can be monetized..., and devising ways to extract every last cent from the general, not-fantastically-wealthy public.


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I'm proud of my new Rep. We need more like her.

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I read about these income levels and insurance premiums and rent, and I'm shocked that people can't live on $50,000? $87,000? The most I've ever earned in a year was $36K. My wife and I live entirely on her measly federal government disability check of $1225/mo (after ins deduction) and she still manages to save a little. I had to quit work to take care of her because we couldn't afford a caretaker. Nothing in Georgia will pay for one. I have no medical insurance. Thank Crom Kaiser has a charity program for basic doctor visits and meds or I'd be dead, because GA refuses to expand Medicaid. I'm lucky to have inherited enough to buy a comfortable, middle-aged house and a car made in this century. All I need is some teeth that aren't broken.

Granted, I've never lived in NYC or the left coast, but I did live in Northern Virginia for several years. I still had to get by on less than $30K.

I don't mean to insult anyone here. It's just we live on less than what some people pay in rent. I'm astounded.

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