Reagan: we not only negotiate with terrorists, we promise them lots of things if they'll just hold those hostages a little longer for us, and then I will give some word garbage about how we so don't do that sort of thing, even though I totally do

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What amazes me isn't so much that Republicans are so craven and amoral, but that Democrats cannot seem to take this massive political liability and smash them over the head with it.

Republicans were able to smear Democrats as soft on terror for the slightest deviation from their war plans and budgets. Here, we literally have Republicans siding with lawless thugs who are causing real economic pain to everyone, for a cause that is unpopular. Why are they not being dragged in ads right now? Dems don't even need to air them, just circulate them on social media until GOP outrage pushes it into the regular media.

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Just say it, and get Democrats to repeat it. Media won't play along, but Republicans will respond with "how very dare you!" which then makes the media report the controversy, and the public just hears that Biden is blaming Trump's famous trade war on the inflation, and suddenly there it is, in the narrative.

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stick and change minds concerning Trump's criminality / awfulness.

Who is naïve enough to think either- that any "minds will be changed concerning his criminality" OR- that that's the mainstream media's objective in all this staticky nonsense in an industry where the majority of oligarch C-suites are controlled by Republicans?

The people who've been watching the way that KKKlan-fathered moronic thuggish Russian-oligarch criminal has behaved for at least the past 40 years know he's guilty, and that's just about his most recent Nat Sec document-eating crimes.

The other people are too invested in their racism -- which after all was always the whole drawing card of his White House installation (not going to say his Presidency), that and selfish greed -- to care.

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I'm not talking about what really is causing inflation, I'm talking about winning the political battle over it. Trump did something that was in fact inflationary, it's not implausible that those tariffs are now causing prices to go up. Democrats are fools if they don't use that.

As far as what's really causing it, I think the answer is post-pandemic economic boom, as things open up and people who held back purchases (and saved a lot) are spending more, and producers were partly beset by supply chains, and also simply did not expect so much demand. As far as "greed" or "monopoly" I'm not doubting these things exist, but they're not new, either--why did greed and monopoly not cause inflation earlier? Why just this year? They always charge as much as the market will bear.

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Dumbest republican house morons in no particular order, UPDATED LIST:

1. Lauren "I can't spell my own name" Boebert*2. Marjorie "Jewish Space Lasers" Taylor Greene*3. Louie "Why can't we just move the moon" Gohmert*4. Matt "used an electronic paper trail for drugs and sex trafficking" Gaetz5. Kevin "I talked for 8 hours and said nothing" McCarthy6. Thomas "I like to quote neo-nazi pedophiles" Massie7. Elise "Let's protect Medicare from Socialists" Stefanik8. Madison "earthen vessels" Cawthorn*9. Gym "I didn't see nuthin" Jordan10. Ron Johnson, who even though he's not in the house his idiocy looms over everything.11. Jeff "Foreign bribes are acceptable" Fortenberry12. Paul "death to AOC" Goser*13. Mo "terrorists are my friends" Brooks*14. Andy "facts are for commies" Biggs*15. Chip "WHAR HORSE DEWORMER" Roy16. Steve "I didn't know I was at a white nationalist convention" Scalise17. Andrew "Jan. 6th was just a tourist visit" Clyde18. Clay "Braveheart cosplayer" Higgins19. Markwayne "I do my OWN rescue missions" Mullin20. Andy "I'm an anesthesiologist but I'm gonna prescribe some horsepaste anyway" Harris21. Nancy "Don't get COVID but get COVID but get vaccinated but don't get vaccinated" Mace22. Ronny "COVID variant something something stolen election" Jackson23. Devin "moooooooove over Congress, I'm a tech person now" Nunes**24. Scott "Jan. 6 committee is not the boss me" Perry*25. Peter "Biden tried to do good things so I must back the insurrection" Meijer26. Dan "Jesus is a hero archetype" Crenshaw27. Doug "If mama ain't happy, nobody's happy" Lamborn28. Mary "Hitler was right" Miller29. Guy "kids who die from COVID had it coming" Reschenthaler30. Troy "Capitol Police want to destroy me" Nehls31. Troy "my doors close automatically so how can they be open" Nehls***32. Lance "Just give terrorists what they want" Gooden

*Potential Jan. 6 planner**Quitter***On the list twice because the thing about his door is so fucking stupid

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"...and get Democrats to repeat it..."

While herding kittens across a stream?

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"Canadian Truckers" or "CNTs"

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Hey. You know what non-protesting truckers are doing right now? Picking up the load that a protesting truckers would have.

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then as a quirky sit com

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and blow your horns all night

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Those guys arrested with weapons in Coutts could be in deep doodoo. Legal handguns in Canada are restricted weapons, and transporting them between locations requires a transport permit. Some long arms are also classified as restricted weapons and require the same transport permit. As you can imagine "I wanna take my pistol to a protest" is not a legit reason for such a permit to be issued. Restricted weapons must be carried in a locked container separate from their ammunition during transport. Magazine capacity for centre fire firearms in Canada is 10 rounds for handguns and long arms that use handgun magazines, and 5 rounds for other long arms. Body armour can only be purchased and worn in Alberta if you have a permit.

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They were probably specifically talking about Alberta's Bill 1, which was introduced to stop things like pipeline protests. A preacher did get arrested in Alberta last week for violating that law, probably because he compared the protest to the Alamo, and advocated using violence to keep it going.

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But they wish they were.


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I'm not too old to remember when multiple states introduced legislation immunizing/encouraging their fine citizens to just run over the peaceful black/native protesters "clogging things up" as shiftless fuq-knuckle Rand Paul would say.

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Garland has fucked around. Now we all get to find out. Sadly.

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