Do they monitor the people in the office as closely ?

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* ahem *

The EU General Data Protection Regulation, which applies across the European Union, and which takes priority over domestic laws [for most purposes, don't make me get legal here]:

Article 6 Lawfulness of processing

1.Processing [of data that identifies you] shall be lawful only if and to the extent that at least one of the following applies:[...](b) processing is necessary for the performance of a contract to which the data subject is party or in order to take steps at the request of the data subject prior to entering into a contract;

Dammit, guys, we have rights over here! Y'know, rights like you had a revolution for a couple of centuries ago?

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Yeah, but to them that doesn't mean that you're a crackerjack performer- it means that they can get another 2 hours a day outta you, every day, for the rest of your life!

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This, right here.

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Well, cha!! public static extern bool? Goes w/out sayin'!

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Calico kittehs are the bomb, appearance-wise. Don't know if they're any better or any worse than a normal kitteh other-wise. Don't know how they could get any worse, truth be told. On accounta, they're kittehs.

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Boss jumps back from monitor screen!! (Smooths down clothes, checks to make sure nobody was looking...)

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No doubt, it's Job One.

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Isn't there something in the Konztitution about Wonkbreaks??

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Yeah, but he's out on the floor walking around, getting in a coupla games of pocket pool.

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The "caliber of intelligence" gets higher as the subject approaches closing time. Science.

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They're the same as other kittehs. I have two Torties, one is very reserved and antisocial and I rarely see her, but she curls up next to me in bed every night. The one in the photo is just a silly goose, not terribly bright but very loving and follows me everywhere.

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It's telling what capatilism has done to our collective psyche that the first comment was always going to be "it's the workers" and only secondly would it be said "it's the fucking bosses".

There's a lot more workers than bosses, so disciplining the help - while making as many of them as possible believe the help needs that discipline - is necessary for the former to survive.

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I think the main folks in the office anymore are middle management and they aren't typing. But I'd say if you are typing anywhere for a MTSO you are monitored closely.

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I thought the real issue is paradigm shifts

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Was it a TPS report?

Did it have the correct cover letter?

Did it have sufficient references to Michael Bolton?

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