what a douche Bob Woodward <strike>was behaving like</strike> is about it, too.


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technically, they're Canadian so they're not real people

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Funny, I read that Salon piece yesterday morning along with Larry's public pissing on teh twitter. I then happened to catch the first 30 seconds of his rant on the TeeVee on my way out the door. I mistakenly assumed that he was going to make nice and act rationally after his morning "look at me!" temper tantrum. Apparently not... Lawrence is often on the right side of issues and when he gets fired up he can eviscerate the bad guys in a story, but the flip side to that is he often comes off looking like a pompous blowhard when there isn't a good target for his blustering. Sorry Larry, live by the rant, die by the rant. The Salon piece did miss a couple of points, including mentioning your coverage. You would have done well to point that out once (mebe twice if you're feeling especially butthurt), but going on and on in your twitter blather, then wasting all that on-air time to whine some more just makes you look shallow, petty and self absorbed... again.

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hi Larry!

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actually, Lawrence was not the only one on MSNBC who got things right. Both Hayes and Maddow were on the right side of the story. O'Donell got a nice angle with his reporting on the wording change, but he certainly wasn't the only one who 'wasn't a sheep". Like I said, nice screen name Larry (or are you just the president of his fan club?)

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People who make that much of an emotional investment in a TeeVee talking head scare me. They ALL are wrong about something at some time. Once you start the hero worship though, you become blind to it all and you're no better than the droolers on the right who worship at the altar of Rush or Beck

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Larry has a small bit of a point, Seitz-Wald's piece seems unduly focused on MSNBC shows/contributors in its sampling of instances of the scandal story being pushed unquestioningly by a breathless media. CNN is not mentioned at all, and the broadcast channels are only touched on in a very quick whip-round the Sunday shows. MSNBC is named as a channel twice and four particular instances are picked out. Bill O'Reilly is mentioned, but Fox is not. That's some pretty severe imbalance for a story under a headline that implies it's a general media critique.

Of course, none of that means that it's about poor widdle Warry's fee fees like he's trying to make it be.

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“You know exactly what you left out and why.”

Clearly, he was talking about his vagina sand!

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<a href="http:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch\?v=h8H2pRkpOC4&amp\;t=1m5s" target="_blank">Indeed</a>

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Lawrence O'Donnell has a Bob Dole moment.

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O'Donnell can be forgiven for anything except the way he keeps saying "jerning" when he means to say "joining." Once you start hearing that, you can't hear anything else.

Oh, and he's also a pompous windbag.

This stuff's as boring as the George Zimmerman trial. Isn't it time for Republican presidential primary debates yet? Those were some good times, henghngh?

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"5 Reasons Bikini Models Never Get Cellulite"

A classsic example of confusing cause and effect . . . just like "Why Wingnutz Never Learn Actual Facts"

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