Barney Oldfield?

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Brett Oberholtzser? Brian Orakpo? Bobby Orr?

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Hey Seuss!

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That's nothing -- you should see what she did with student Willie Horton.

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Joe Walsh as WH Communications Director! Chris Christie as Transportation Secretary! Rick Scott as HHS Secretary! Karl Rove as Treasury Secy! Bobby Jindal as Education Secretary! Todd Akin as Surgeon General!

John Bolton as UN Ambassador -- oh, wait...

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... not from this world ...

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Those who can't do, teach. Those who can't teach, teach gym.

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When it broke, did the possum escape?

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Nice for me to poop on.

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Fuck, no.

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Momentarily, I read that as "got Willie Horton to play at Bush I's inaugural." Which would have at least been interesting.

Also, too, there have been an awful lot of blindingly good concerts that are free from Lee Atwater contamination.

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Would you trust this woman to operate the elevator you were riding in?

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Actually, there's a Special Education degree, available at both Bachelor's and Master's levels, that incorporates elements from both education and psychology fields (there's already a lot of overlap there).

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Apparently she enjoys the work.

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So when Lee Atwater had his deathbed repentance and moral awakening, was marrying this harridan one of the things he repented?

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