I can only assume that Herman Cain's plan for disaster preparedness is "try not hitting the fucking button for once".

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Laugh now, but history will record September 9th, 2009 as the momentous day Herman Cain formulated his 999 plan.

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That explains his signature fragrance - Love Potion # 9-9-9.

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I'm feeling RAGE, myself. Can't wait to see Marcus Bachmanm getting SKYRIMmed.

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'Must be difficult waddling around with a 9' dildo up all in there. I be the Koch brothers have that brother under remote control.

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I thought PacMan -- that little pizza eating those dots. And maybe the dots are middle class jobs disappearing from the screen of America.

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Ron Paul and electricity don't mix. He's definitely more comfortable with water-wheel technology.

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I'm sure your "kid" will make a great POTUS. Perhaps he'll <strike>still</strike> find time to post on Wonkette.

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I wonder if Cain loved SimCity as much as I did. Man, I would play that game for hours. I bet Cain's city would be a version of Magnasanti.

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The Daily Caller drinks the kool-aid: <i>If implemented, the 9-9-9 plan would broaden the tax base. We would truly return to the principle of everyone paying his or her fair share, with no more free-riders. Everyone would have skin in the game. </i>Some of us have already lost our skin and can't pay anything, asshole.

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Herman Cain is actually <i>required</i> by Repubican Party rules to use video games for his policy decisions. <blockquote>I recently learned something quite interesting about video games. Many young people have developed incredible hand, eye, and brain coordination in playing these games. The air force believes these kids will be our outstanding pilots should they fly our jets.</blockquote> -- Ronald Reagan

So it is written, so it is done.

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Cain has graduated to SimAnt. Next week, he'll give a major policy speech about how we "need to get the spider before it can get us."

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Rick Perry's plan is called "10-10-10." It works out like this:

Everybody but Rick and Anita shall follow the 10 Commandments; $0.10 of very tax dollar goes into the Rick Perry Special Enterprise Fund for his pet projects; and, Rick will execute 10 prisoners every month he's President

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Stealing a plan from a video game is still better than getting them from the zombie Reagan butthole where most Republican economic policies originate.

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Neither does Cheney. If had a working heart, maybe...

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I read somewhere that he was going to get his foreign policy info from Civ IV, military guidance from Call of Duty, musical chops from Guitar Hero, and sweet lovin' skills from Leisure Suit Larry.

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