More like one straw man.

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You guys! Why can't traitors and their mail order brides/KGB agents live in different cities without people asking a bunch of questions?

Super rude, y'all...


"Melania Trump might not move to the White House"


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North Korea keep them WELL apart.They also have good parades.

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Now I know what "sleeping with the fishes" means.

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ie. These dumb asses all going to Russia.

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Nah, as a fellow blue stater, and one-time California resident, I would like it if you guys stayed. Cali is an awesome place. I still miss it, and I lived there for 2 years 35+ years ago. I'm lucky to have a sister that lives there, so I get to visit. So, stay, please. Pretty please with sugar on top!

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And of course...Hollyweed. San FuckYouGuys.

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Only the freshest nuts come to California and decide Russia is better......

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Mucho ditto. Well, maybe not a *good* idea, but a very tempting one.

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Don't go to the cheaper brothels.

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If you must use this exit, please carry the emergency eagle.

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California succeeding from the Union? How more bazaar can the Russians get. Actually it's not the United States that's in danger of Fragmenting. It's Russia that is nearing the edge of the Cliff again. It was just 26 years ago that the Soviet Union disintegrated and its captive nations like the Baltic States flew away hopefully never to return.

I live in Los Angeles and there was never ANY talk whatsoever of succession from the U.S. None at all. In fact most people NEVER heard of this "CalExit" This Louis Marinell is more of a failure than even he realizes. This "CalExit' is another one of the Russian Fascist Dictator Vladimir Putin's "Acive Measures" plots to try to politically destabilize the U.S and just like his attempt to meddle in the 2016 U.S. Presidential election it has failed miserably

Russia is WELCOME to this traitorous scumbag Louis Marinelli. Frankly he should be charged with 18 U.S. Code § 2384 - Seditious conspiracy but that probably won't happen as it would give more publicity to his lost cause than it deserves.

There's a saying I used to hear when I was younger. "America. Love it or leave it" At least this Louis Martinelli has chosen the latter and I can assure you he won't be missed at all.

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Perhaps the new political fad that takes Marinelli’s fancy will be opposing Putin. That should work out well.

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When dissent reared it's ugly head,He gave up his ideals and bravely fled.Brave Sir Louis bravely ran away.

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Russia is overflowing with redneck, racist assholes too.

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"...but because he had succeeded all too well!.."

Yeah, let's go with that.

And remember - It's always a good day to punch a nazi.https://culturewarreporters...

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