Metal forks, or plastic forks?

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it's all fun and games until someone gets their constitutional protections poked out.

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For $300, he could file a petition for name change.

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I would rather the other guy win for the headline Peed Over Kreep.

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To me, and I'm just being British here, he looks like longtime player of a Detective on TV, <a href="http:\/\/www.nndb.com\/people\/814\/000101511\/" target="_blank">David Jason</a>, who probably understands the concept of justice better than Gary Kreep, but that's not exactly saying much.

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A lesson we all eventually learn the hard way.

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I can't get that mad about conning the birthers out of their money.

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At least he won't be an "activist judge". In fact he may not be a "wise judge". Or a "competent judge". All those traits are disparaged* by the Repubicans and TP'ers. _________________________________ * Mr Kreep: If you're reading it means regard or represent as being of little worth.

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