That he knows what the Articles of Confederation were is slightly impressive. That he doesn't know that there was a reason the Constitution came about, and it was because the Articles didn't work, doesn't surprise me at all. Or that the Confederacy, as "constituted" was a completely unworkable arrangement that wouldn't have lasted even if they hadn't be BEATEN.

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One's got SOCIALISM in it, and is therefore obviously left-wing. Just ask anybody with less than a seventh-grade education, or who graduated summa cum laude from Liberty U Law School.

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Funny, Organic Nationalism is found in Wikipedia under Romantic Nationalism. It's a racist Harlequin romance.

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Whenever I get despondent about living in Baton Rouge, I recall that Sherman was the first superintendent of what became LSU, my employer. Somehow, this cheers me up no end.

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I think we need not worry too much about these bumpkins. They're not exactly loaded with <a href="http:\/\/www.occidentaldissent.com\/wp-content\/uploads\/2012\/07\/league-of-south.jpg" target="_blank">youthful exuberance.</a>

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A couple of problems with organic nationalism are that it doesn't travel well and it has a short shelf life.

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Base Commander Jack D. Ripper?

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They cannot have Mississippi. That's a waste of Mississippi. They can have Petit Bois Island, off the coast of Mississippi. They will all fit on it nicely, with room for a laundromat and a firing range.

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Yeah, I'm also betting that they don't really need the sign.

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Well I'll be damned.

I thought all these redneck yahoos hated the whole "organic" movement.

Learn something new every day. Unless you are a LOSer.

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Natural selection has a strange sense of humor.

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Whole McFoods?

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Let them secede. How long do you think they will last without Tater Tots, Miller Lite and Cheez Whiz?

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Free range chickenhawks?

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