Democracy is the worst form of government ever invented, except for all others, and except for me being the absolute dictator for life.

Because I would send "Kris" Kobach to the guillotine, possibly with votes.

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I hope this works better than other withdrawal methods.

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They must've gotten lost in the amber waves of grain.

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Could Kobach change his registration to D and put himself on the ballot?

I know it's insane, illegal and stupid, but this is Kris Kobach we are talking about.

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Several pols have changed affiliation to get elected. it's not impossible that one could change affiliation to get someone else elected.

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Was Chadwick J. Taylor one of W.C. Fields' pseudonyms?

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True fact: In the 1936 presidential election, Republican Alf Landon got 1,646 in South Carolina. The entire state. It was kinda blue back then, because "Lincoln was a Republican!". I'm guessing those 1,646 were the black voters who managed to register and actually vote (because "Lincoln was a Republican!").

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Why don't the Dems just say "sure" and find some dude named Ted Cruz to put on the ballot? Better still, there must be someone there named Reagan.

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Okay, lemme get the Sawzall!

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The conservadoodles love them some voter suppression... and ex-candidate compulsion.

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Also too, he was running against an incumbent, umm, what was his name? Oh yeah, Franklin D. Roosevelt. I hear he was kinda popular back then. I don't think that even God would have fared too well against FDR in the 1936 election.

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The South was always conservative. Prior to the 1960s it elected conservative Democrats. In response to Lyndon Johnson's support of civil rights and Richard Nixon's "Southern strategy" the conservatives in the South left the Democratic party and became Republicans. The ideology hadn't changed, just the party affiliation. It finished off a 50 year-long process of ideological separation of the two parties into opposite sides of the political spectrum. The nearly uniform clustering of Ds and Rs into separate sides of the spectrum, with plenty of daylight in between them, only came into being in the 1970s.

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