Dear Ben Shapiro. You are talking about a real person who just died. A real person with family who will hear about your douchwaffle attempt to link his death to your pathetic agenda. There is a special place in hell for you, Junior.

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Some dimwit with the intellectual heft of a garden snail. The real mystery is why NRO chooses to spread his secretions all over the innertubez. I seriously have to ask, who is the twerp related to? Or who at NRO did he give a blow job to, with a camera running?

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Don't tell me you were stoned out of your gourd when they handed out the sex vouchers! Classic rookie mistake.

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Like many 6-year-olds, Ben is under the impression that actors come from Hollywood. He probably thinks that Rick Perry is a real live cowboy.

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Lemme guess . . . facts reported by any media other than Faux Snooze is "propaganda", and should be disregarded by the teabagger faithful.

Same advice you get from all cult leaders. I think the wingnut thought controllers are finding it hard to keep the sheep on the ranch.

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Γ’Β™Βͺҙ« Projection, projection!

(to the tune of "Tradition!")

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Same. Apparently he's the Klein Bottle of assholes.

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Makes me want to shove a brick of black tar heroin up his ass.

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It's TOO SOON to cast blame for a tragic death, unless you can link it to liberalism. But not if it had anything to do w/ guns.

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Exploit while the iron is hot.

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When Phillip Seymour Hoffman died, Ben Shapiro blamed his death on Liberalism.

When Ben Shapiro ultimately dies, people might blame his death on owls, because so many people will be saying "who"

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also cowering before people waving gobs of cash around.

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No one of any real importance, other than in his fevered imagination and on his website. Kind of like Michele Bachmann, after January 2015.

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