Has <i>anyone</i> even <i>tried</i> to interrogate Charles Widmore about this? For that matter, has anyone even been able to locate him?

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He thought he was Ethel Merman...

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Mrs._philosoph and I have spent the last few months watching <i>Lost</i> from beginning to end on Netflix. We didn't watch the series when it aired and we knew nothing about the plot or premise. (Actually we watched the first couple of episodes when it premiered, but felt that the the plot was so chaotic that we quickly gave up on it.) Tonight we finished watching the series finale. (In fact we just finished it about 15 minutes ago.) I'm still a little <i>verklempt</i> at the moment, but I will say that the superficial parallels between the Malaysia Air mystery and that series started springing to mind almost as soon as the plane was first reported to be missing. As a matter of fact I may have alluded to it in one of my comments a couple of weeks ago.

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Hasn't anybody figured out yet that the CIA used a tractor beam to disappear MH370 to distract everybody from Diane Feinstein's jihad against them?

This is so obvious.

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...on a grassy knoll....

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<blockquote>We’re sure with a little more acid this would make perfect sense.</blockquote> I'm not sure about that at all, for a couple of reasons.

First, I took more than <em>"a little more"</em> acid back in the day, and I'm not at all convinced that either of these theories would have made sense, perfect or otherwise.

Also, too, given the amount of acid that Garrow and Beck have clearly been consuming, I doubt that there's <em>"a little more"</em> left.

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Darwin sunk the Ark.

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So if the Ark was found recently, and it 'took 2000 years to find it' then either no one looked for it until the beginning of the common era or Noah and the Great Flood happened at the time of Jesus' birth.

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OMG. I am bowled over (you can tell because I'm using interwebs shorthand)! A Plan 9 from Outer Space reference! I actually saw that movie, way back, during an EPIC bad-movie marathon at my local art theater. It was - well, eye-opening! I kinda think some of the peeps over at Republican Reset might have the thing memorized.

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Oh, the bad movie references are flyin' tonight! Just, you know, flyin'.

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Please don't apply logic. It just confuses things.

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"...at 35,000 ft altitude it implodes/explodes..."

Which happens to also be what my head just did after reading this garbage.

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Sounds like he should be in spring training at the moment.

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Those heathen Jews paid no attention to the Bible, which was not activated until the Christianity signal triggered it.

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"computer nerds" = Chinese people.


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<i>The jet lands by wire at Diego Garcia, the appropriate hardware and software is offloaded as are the nerds. Interrogation proceeds and all the “secrets” you would want to gain from this “intervention” are gleaned from the assets</i>


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