I wish I was still a 20-something punk rocker (or at least had the energy of same). I'd be all about this.

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I would also like to see the left reclaim the word 'morality'. The far-right likes to fling that word around as if what they consider moral is the only possible definition of the word - it isn't. We need to start calling such actions out as immoral - not defending ourselves against their yardstick, but staking claim to a new definition which they fail to meet.

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Indeed. My late ex- was unfortunately a prime example of this. Adopted into an alcoholic, albeit successful family that just wanted a blond, blue-eyed boy to carry on the family name. It did not turn out well for any of them.

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You're absolutely right that there are enough kids in foster care that need good homes and loving families. And forcing a woman to carry and give birth to a child against her will for the benefit of some amorphous "other person" who would theoretically adopt (but no guarantees) is so fucked up. It's been said elsewhere, but we don't force people to give up a kidney against their will so someone in need of one can live—it should be the same with childbirth.

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You both have my sympathies :(

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I'm not opposed to "telling it like it is", and I don't think "abortion" is a dirty word.That said, the concept of "choice" encompasses a lot of things, and should be more appealing to the trolls on the right hooting and squealing about "freedom".Granted that they have a striking lack of both intelligence and empathy, and yet it never seems to occur to any of them that this sort of thing could circle back around to eat THEIR faces.I'm surprised that I've never seen it framed that way.tl;dr: A government that tells you that you CAN'T have an abortion is no different from a government that tells you that you MUST have an abortion.

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Nothing says “pro-life” like executing a woman for having an abortion. Especially not making the father an accessory.

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Forgive me if I'm pointing out something you already know here, but they already tried that with actual slavery (as distinct from reproductive slavery).It was called The Fugitive Slave Act, and it was one of the things that led to the Civil War.

"The Act was one of the most controversial elements of the 1850 compromise and heightened Northern fears of a slave power conspiracy. It required that all escaped slaves, upon capture, be returned to the slaver and that officials and citizens of free states had to cooperate. Abolitionists nicknamed it the "Bloodhound Bill", after the dogs that were used to track down people fleeing from slavery.[2][page needed]

The Act contributed to the growing polarization of the country over the issue of slavery, and was one of the factors that led to the Civil War."


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"the Reich wing has used Abortion as a major fundraiser for over 50 years now. If they kill Roe, they will have killed the golden egg laying goose."

I was actually shocked -- as in extremely surprised -- in addition to being morally shocked.I assumed that they would go on forever making abortion more and more inaccessible, while technically leaving Roe as a scare tactic/political football. I thought they would let Roe stand -- not because they give a shit about women or babbies or poor people or anybody else -- but because it is MORE USEFUL TO THEM ON THE BOOKS THAN OFF.

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As my Dad says: Meh. He could... "fall down a flight of stairs".

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Personally, I agree, but if they can complain about "anti-fascist", they can complain about "anti-nazi".

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Yeah, except that the righties would also have booed "Abortions for some", because that's all that Roe ever has been.

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Stop it. Throwing condoms and yelling at fundie church-goers sounds far too cathartically tempting right now.

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Serious question:When did the word "liberal" get co-opted to mean "center right"?

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Not the kind of lives that end when some nut shoots a school, because those are just patriotic Murkans exercising their Second Amendment rights./sarcasm

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"Branson, Missouri- like Vegas if it was run by Ned Flanders." LOL

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