Throwing a body out the window from the first floor is more fun! Twice the humiliation and none of that certain death thing going on.

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I'd watch a lot more of those press briefings if they featured opening numbers, like Kim Possible has:https://www.youtube.com/wat...

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Ha! Kim Possible is a great avatar for Ms Psaki.

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"Press room's on the first floor? Still no reason not to defenestrate somebody."


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Manchin can shit in their mouths, and Sinema piss in their punchbowls. and they'd STILL try to blame "the progressives" for their misdeeds.

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moral of the story: everything about Dersh is gross, and everything about this lawsuit is stupid.

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And we wouldn't have lost as many more as we did had White Trumpublicans REFUSED to MASK UP after we got vaccines

and REFUSED to take vaccines we citizens could receive FOR FREE

Entitled little ...

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Pelosi is going to remove their eyeballs with a fork.

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And TFG was fine with it because it was hitting blue states.

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OT but sad and infuriating enough to break in....National Women’s Soccer League cancels games following abuse claimshttps://www.cnbc.com/2021/1...

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Given that Hakeem Jeffries is her handpicked successor, I kind of hope she delegates that job to him.

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Agreed. There are 17 Democrats in the Senate that, if they died or were incapacitated today, would be replaced by a Republican governor. We have no margin of error.

Breyer is still in his seat because of vanity, and until he retires and is replaced by a Democrat I will accept no other answer.

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When Princeling Jared told dear old Dad that COVID was only occurring in those detested west coast Blue states Drumpfenfuehrer was more than happy to allow the disease to run rampant and kill.

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Former coworkers were *jealous* when I misplaced my job in June because thing were opening up and I had the free time to do them!

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given their antics, i wouldn't put it past Manchin and Sinema to try some bullshit if Breyer retired right now.

that said, i do agree -- this is a risky dice throw here.

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