I stopped watching/listening to Tweety long ago. Is he still asking that question he started in 2005?

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yeah, and Bush was elected on platform of bringing "honor and dignity to the Oval Office". Epic fail.

We may look back on Obama's first years as the last time bi-partisanship was seriously considered. With ideological news platforms, separate sets of facts, silo'ed voters, there's no reason to compromise.

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And yet Obama's average approval rating has hovered on 45% for months, his personal approval is higher, and there are undoubtedly at least a few percentage points that are disappointed liberals, all while still mired in the middle of a a terrible economy and two years now of shrieking "He's a Muslin!" from the right. Could reality and "the narrative" be not entirely in sync? Unpossible, I know, but maybe we should consider the possibility.

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The TP'ers and Repubicans HATE "elites". But we tried a "C" student in the White House last time and it was a fucking nightmare. So I vote (literally) for the "A" team. But the TP'ers are serious, they should nominate the most non-elite candidate they can find: Sarah Palin, unexceptional in every way.

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i guess this is good news for john mccain.

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