That's just a lot of lies

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Unfortunately for us right now with Republicans in any kind of control, there is the Speech and Debate Clause that unfortunately because of the way it's currently being abused by the wanna-be fascists sanctions even some of the most egregious lies (because they have neither scruples nor principles).

For the time being we have to be content with calling him the flab-mouthed unrepentant liar he is, getting Texans to vote him out, and also pushing that independent investigation even Jill Wine Banks said should have happened around whether or not he used Cambridge Analytica as his data firm for his '18 Senate bid (which, as they are a U.S.-sanctioned company, would have been illegal, so WHOA IF TRUE).

Obviously I loathe him and even as he (may have) committed that ILLEGAL act in conjunction with his campaign almost 3 years ago now, the harm he commits to our country doesn't have an end in sight and so those of us who remember this is potentially a live issue have no plans to let go of it any time soon.

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So do his (ALLEGEDLY!) illegal acts from 2018

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I'm sure it's just him

I don't think he ever did explain how he is a Canadian-born Cuban and is nonetheless sitting in that TX Senate seat (was one of his parents a U.S. citizen)?

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Supermarket to the World™

(From watching CBS Sunday Morning, and the Sunday talking head shows, with my dad as a kid.)

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Google it.

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Didn't Beau die about then, also too? Geez, pay attention.

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Sorry I put that so rudely. You are right, anyone would have been better than Trp.

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Thanks Evan! I couldn't watch this this morning...just saw it. I especially wanted to see what Rokita said and I was not disappointed. He is not exactly a truthful guy but he makes up for that with his elitist attitude. Love it when he says "the american people" want/think/believe when all the polls show differently. It's also nice so see that this slick Indiana pol is getting a little jowly. He might need a trainer.

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I'll watch this during the weekend. Ta, Evan.

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just in case put in a loophole that says you can still use it if the members using it represent more voters than the majority

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The real torture will be for the rest of us when he finally is allowed to talk.

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Democrats are like that hero at the end of the horror movie who hit the killer on the head and assumed the killer is dead, then sits back and turns their back to the killer and thinks "boy, that was neat how I saved the day" and the audience then sees the killer rise up from behind.

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Eric Holder = Barack Obama Proxy

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I like how Roy admits that GOP keeps TRYING to suppress voting and FAILING.

IF voter suppression laws were viruses it would seem our immune system is working. So should we be blowing off getting a vaccine shot?

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