"languishes in courts" assumes facts not in evidence. The House has not filed the suits. Trump has sued the House but the House fails act. They just keep drawing new lines in the sand for Trump to ignore.

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Yes. I'll just go on reading Wonkette. Everything else is too heartbreaking.

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Call Mueller to testify and let him tell us exactly what McGahn said, word for word. Then cite each one of these Nazi enabling assholes with contempt of congress, and enforce that citation with a body attachment. It's done all the time all across this great country of ours (or used to be great country of ours). I can only guess that if these Trump enablers aren't actually afraid of Trump, perhaps Vlad has put out the word that he's invested in a string of coffee establishments specializing in Polonium Tea. VLADBUCK'S

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I am having ALL THE CONNIPTIONS! I have a steady background hum of conniptionality. It is exhausting. And with the Twitter you get to experience the late evening conniptionization of Barr putting out some silly ass shit and then Nadler making a pretty good sounding rejoinder. But who the fuck knows where we are.

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Agree. They aren’t sure what to do because they have no leadership. Pelosi isn’t just against impeachment she’s against responding forcefully to trumps refusal of oversight. It’s shocking. A reporter asked Neal, the guy going after trumps taxes, if they would charge Mnuchin with contempt. Neal said “it hasn’t been discussed“.

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Well, yah.

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Outrage fatigue?

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Yeah, that ain't going to help either. The GOP hasn't done shit to stop the Russians, and by now, we have to assume they've fully infiltrated and suborned our election systems, with full Republican support and approval.

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Didn't say I wanted a show.

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How can they possibly expect to delay eighteen whole months? Six, eight months maybe, but a year and a half??? Unpossible.

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I'm actually pretty happy with Pelosi's leadership. Just because she does not think exactly like you do does not mean she is not effective. And she is there, you are not.

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I guess it's torches and pitchforks then.

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😂😂🤣 There is no unified messaging. Nobody in the Democratic Party is painting a picture of what’s going on, what the objective is and how we get there. Even if Pelosi was painting a picture of those things that I thought was bullshit then at least she (or someone she assigned to be point person on that) would be doing the messaging.

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What kind of "unified messaging" are you looking for? Please give examples from the Obama, Clinton, or Carter presidencies. Congress is giving out subpoenas at a rapid clip, the candidates are producing policies, do you want Pelosi to spell out letter by letter the Democratic plans to move forward? Exactly WHO do you see providing "leadership?"

List name(s). Or stop whining.

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After Labor Day, it’s all campaigning all the time.

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First off, fuck off. I’m not whining. I just have a different opinion from you. I mistakenly thought we agreed on something. And now you’ve decided I am Voldemort. WTF?

Yes. Pelosi should have press conferences a couple times a week saying what the next step is going to be in the Democrats efforts to reestablish oversight. This is not that hard. Also, that’s exactly what the most regular ass PR firm would recommend.

Don’t worry, now that I know that you pitch a fit if anyone criticizes Pelosi I won’t reply to you anymore. It’s not like I could tell that about you before I commented.

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