NOT Ohio - GOPGovernor .

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It slides out like nothing. The opposite of a regular delivery. Would anyone have explained this to the decision-making men?

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This is not the lowest of all bars. Texas will soon find a way to slither under it.

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Note that Texas just let a migrant woman and two children drown and prevented others from trying to rescue them.

Told you so.

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She was charged by Guarnieri a week after the November election where the Republicans got their asses handed to them on the abortion issue. He didn't bother with a Grand Jury. He just charged her.

I sincerely believe that this was nothing more than the equivalent of punching a hole in the wall when the old lady won't leave you alone for one damned minute.

And I'm sure the blackness was just the whipped cream on top of this shit sundae.

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> Hell, I have seen episodes of “I Didn’t Know I Was Pregnant” where women gave birth while going to the bathroom and didn’t even realize what happened until they got up and kablam! A baby!

For example, from Mama Doctor Jones: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0v9l4CgFW4Q

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Jan 12·edited Jan 12

She should sue the DA and the county for malicious prosecution. And the nurse for the HIPAA violation.

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Especially since the whacko nurse told cops, told them there was "a baby in a bucket" outside Watts garage

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So we briefly have missed the offramp to Gilead THIS time, you're saying?

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"never having consumed human flesh" You never went to mass?

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I'd occasionally give a friend who doesn't drive a ride to Mass when her regular ride wasn't available. On the way in, she had to stop at the rectory and let them know she needed a gluten-free host.

How much gluten could there be in Christ's flesh?

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If I were Ms. Watts, I would file complaints against both the prosecutor - who should have known this was not was intended by the statute - and the nurse, who violated both HIPAA and Ms. Watts' privacy. Complaints to their professional boards, their employers, if applicable, and in the nurse's case, possibly a lawsuit (assuming she can find a pro bono lawyer).

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Okay, still-fertile women, I guess we have to be forewarned. If we have to tell medical personnel what happened with the miscarried fetus, just lie: we are arranging a cremation. Or a burial. Or fuck off, it is none of your business, it is a family matter.

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gee, it's almost as though biology was complicated and nuanced.

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I don't think biology's the problem here. I think it's people who can never, under any circumstances, get pregnant, writing all the pregnancy rules.

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Grand juries are amazing creatures! The people on them take their jobs seriously and can cut through an awful lot of bullshit. When grand juries indicted Trump and others, Trump and many pundits brought out that old belief that a prosecutor can persuade a grand jury to "indict a ham sandwich." It's an extremely popular phrase among guilty folks. Well, this prosecutor presented the grand jury with a very unappetizing ham sandwich. How wonderful that the reply was "blech," you eat it yourself!!

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They knew a shit sandwich when they saw it.

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We in the west are terrible about coping with this sort of loss. Other societies do better; here is a list of some ideas for rituals to mourn such a loss: https://www.ritualstoday.co.uk/how-to-grieve-an-invisible-loss-5-rituals-for-miscarriage/#:~:text=Read%20a%20poem%20or%20say,release%20a%20dove%20or%20balloons

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She should sue that hamstrung hospital for malpractice.

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With all respect, this headline is misleading. It wasn't "Ohio," as in that state's wretched government, that decided not to persecute this woman. It was the grand jurors -- ordinary people who presumably had enough common sense to look at this case and say, "WTF are these assholes talking about?"

Now watch. Someone will try to stop juries from hearing abortion cases.

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After Issue 1 passed in Ohio, protecting abortion with a Constitutional amendment, the Ohio legislature introduced a bill that would strip courts of the right to have any say on abortion issues.

Edit: Clearly, I suck beyond belief at scrolling down. I mean, the very next reply?

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our legislature is already talking about taking away the courts' jurisdiction over abortion issues, now that we passed our constitutional amendment in favor of choice. the legislature could hardly be more red, so this will not end well.

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Holy shit. That goes one step beyond. Just obliterate a branch of the government entirely.

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Don't tempt them.

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