Of course he is. He'll reduce government waste and save us money by removing the need- no, the very means- to spending it in the first place.

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Yeah, that's a whole 'nother can of worms. I forgot who said it, but they say the problem isn't that Drumpf says horrible things the GOP doesn't believe; they believe every word of it, but he's just too frank explaining it.

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Good one. Simple, yet effective.

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Yeah, the part of me that's glad to see any sign of the corrupt, stagnant status quo breaking down is in an unending fight with the part of me that's just disgusted and horrified.

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I always keep the heroin option in my back pocket

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The funniest part of this is that Erick Son of Erick thinks that NOW The Republican Party has no shame. Where the fuck have you BEEN, man?

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But the deadlines for filing as an independent are long past, yes?

Unless they're going to get completely stupid and call for writein votes.

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Teddy Roosevelt did a few good things, I hear.

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so, the republicans finally get a candidate who says exactly what it's voters want to hear, and they lose their little minds. welcome to the club. now they know how we have felt for decades.

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i know, right? i would feel bad, but...you know, conservatives.

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Glad to see Erik and co. Are leaving.....don't want em' don't need em'

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Maybe instead of doing an end zone dance and laughing off Republican opposition to Trump back at this time, each side extending an olive branch might have been better? Same is true for NeverTrump Republicans currently delighting in the Democratic freakout over Trump's election. We both think Trump is dangerous and terrible...can we stop slinging barbs for two seconds and consider that this point of agreement might be a good place for us to start moving forward?

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Congratulations on the years of sobriety. Hold onto it, we can all become heroin addicts if Trump wins the Presidency. It'll be preferable to sobriety and there isn't enough alcohol in the world to get over Pres. Trump. With luck we might OD early in the term.

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#NeverTrump-ers, don't be all so sadmad, bros! Trump is YOU! Trump is what happens when you stir up greed, race hatred, xenophobia, stupidity, divisiveness, Ayn Randian selfishness, more stupidity, violence, pseudo-religiosity, lying, paranoia, government distrust, still more stupidity with a cherry of stupidity on top! DEAL WITH IT!

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I never realized Erick Erick Erick Erickson's tears could be so delicious.

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Yeah, though he has Parkinson's and prostate cancer these days.

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