Let's All Enjoy This Video Of Mike Lindell Freaking Out Over Lumpy Pillows
Mike Lindell is known for many things — his great love for Donald Trump, his wild conspiracies about how the 2020 election was stolen, his apparent inability to modulate his voice and, of course, his pillows.
Luckily for you, there is now video of Lindell losing his absolute shit in some depositions with former Dominion Voting Systems executive Eric Coomer, who has brought a federal defamation lawsuit against him over his aforementioned bizarre claims about the 2020 election being rigged. Specifically, Lindell brought someone on his Frankspeech site who claimed to have somehow infiltrated an “antifa conference call” Coomer participated in, in which Coomer confessed to having rigged the election so Trump couldn’t win.
It’s not clear exactly how Coomer was meant to know these election rigging antifa activists. Perhaps, when he’s not doing corporate executive stuff, he’s going to basement shows and volunteering with Food Not Bombs?
In a motion filed this week, Coomer asked a judge to sanction Lindell for his behavior in three separate depositions, which Coomer described as “vulgar, threatening, loud (and) disrespectful.”
“Mr. Lindell refused to provide a direct answer to virtually every question asked, instead opting to shout over Dr. Coomer’s counsel and then provide lengthy, meandering filibusters that each consumed substantial amounts of time and several pages of transcript,” the motion said, as per the Colorado Sun. “Counsel objected to these non-sequiturs as non-responsive no less than 33 times.”
The Daily Beast reports that Coomer and his attorneys felt they had to include videos of Lindell’s meltdowns in the motion as “the video record of these events is provided herein and is demonstrably worse than any attempt to describe the conduct.”
And, admittedly, there really are no words. There just are no words. This was, it seems, Lindell’s measured response to a comment about people calling his company’s customer service number to complain that their pillows are “lumpy.”
“No, they’re not calling about lumpy pillows, that’s not what they call on,” Lindell said. when you say lumpy pillows, now you’re an asshole! You got that? You’re an asshole is what you are!”
Lindell then called the attorney an asshole several times, an ambulance chasing attorney and, perhaps worst of all, accused him of not having his own MyPillow at home.
He would later repeat this burn in another deposition, shouting “How do you guys sleep at night? You obviously don’t have a MyPillow! That’s a fact!”
It probably is! That guy probably does not have a MyPillow. He’s the lawyer for a former Dominion Voting Machines executive, so we can assume he probably has something a lot fancier.
But are the pillows lumpy? Well, according to 472 reviews of the MyPillow premium Queen size pillow on Amazon, 366 of which are verified purchases, they are, in fact, “lumpy.” And they come that way, it’s not just that they get that way over time and with wear and washings. That is honestly kind of weird and not something I have ever personally experienced with a brand new pillow (though I am admittedly a bit of a pillow connoisseur).
True story — I did, in fact, try out a MyPillow in person, when I was pillow shopping at Bed, Bath and Beyond (RIP) one time. I wasn’t going to buy one, obviously, but as an intrepid journalist, I felt it was my duty to check them out. Now, I cannot remember if it was lumpy or not because this was like, five years ago, but it was a mediocre pillow for sure. I wouldn’t say it was offensive, in and of itself, but it’s the kind of pillow you would buy if you don’t really give a shit about what you sleep on. I happen to be a bit of a pillow snob, so it was not for me.
A bit stormy here in The Heights. I grabbed this screenshot of a lightning strike from video I was taking as the storm moved it’s way over Manhattan and up the Hudson River. Lots of thunder, had to take it quick as standing on a balcony with a metal tripod wasn’t the safest place to be.
A lot of the time I worry that my teenage daughter is a bit immature and would struggle to stand up for herself, but then she goes and restores my faith in her in a huge way.
Short story; she isn't one to give into peer pressure from friends or boyfriends. She knows what she's comfortable with and is confident enough to say no when asked to go beyond her comfort zone.
And she's not afraid to come talk to me about it afterwards.
She says she's got the maturity of a 5 year old, I told her it takes a lot of maturity to know yourself and be willing to stand up and say no when someone's pressuring you for something.
I'm feeling particularly proud of her right now, and I've told her so.