So, in god we <i>crust</i>?

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If the military conserves fuel, maybe we can fight fewer wars over oil.

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Funny how the GNoPee loves to listen to the US Military.

Unless the generals suggest they just don't need a weapons system built in that Member's district.

Or they point our reliance on foreign oil is a huge national security risk, and we need to find reliable alternative fuel sources.

Suddenly the officers aren't quite so smart.

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Huge buckets of squid eyes. (Deep fried squid eyes, in certain markets.)

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I think Newt's ideas of space travel were formed while watching <i>Barbarella.</i>

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I'll have two dogs (literally) on a bun and two Tsingtao beers.

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Who will be the first Congressional Republican brave enough to demand we invade the moon in order to secure the oil supplies needed for our fossil-fuel-bound troops?

Stupid libs will no doubt object that there's no oil on the moon, but they're always whining like that.

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