You'll have the most gigantic loans to pay off and-- will they be forgiven by your public service???? I have a duty to say this to you, even if you're laughing.

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Possibly some in the A pile making use of the folks in the B pile. *sigh*

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If I were in Chicago, this would not be an obstacle.

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Worse: he consciously decided to turn on the values his ancestors barely escaped death from.

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Hannah Arendt explained in great detail about how that DIDN'T happen in Germany 1933-1945. Why should US of A of today be any different?

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My guess is ICE sees this as an opportunity to get them all to leave.

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This kind of shit happens so often that I believe it's done on purpose.

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Sarah Slanders was on the TV this morning blaming the Democrats for the immigration laws, saying this whole crisis could be over if democrats worked with the president to change the laws. Naturally nobody reminded Sarah that the Democrats, and some republicans passed comprehensive immigration reform in the house and sent that bill to the Senate where Mitch McConnell promptly sat on it for eternity. I wish the MSM would exert a tiny bit of effort and not let these liars get away with their bullshit framing of every issue that paints the Dems as evil incompetents and the GOP as noble champions of freedom. Do your fucking jobs and PUSH BACK on BS in REAL TIME!

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Circa 1960's, 70's, 80's, 90's, 00's or this decade?

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Passover is in 5 days. Seriously, Stephen Miller, I hope you get shamed at all your seders.

And whatever you Christians do and your sermon on the mount--that was near Easter right?

Time to sit down and think hard about what we truly believe.

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and as my husband, the catholic points out, my belief in g-d is nonexistent, but Friday night you will hear me singing dayenu and eating haroset and doing the whole damn thing and talking about what it means to be a stranger in a strange land and what responsibility it puts on us.

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I think Brazilians speak Portuguese?

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Yes they do, and English is spoken in Belize, and French is spoken in Haiti, etc, etc, etc. I obviously didn't include Brazilians in my comment.

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I was too young to realize how fricking pretty/sexy she was in the 60s, like Mary Ann and Ginger : )

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Oval, guess I asked for it.

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