“There’s nothing on my face except for beer and makeup.”That line is just begging for some bukkake jokes.

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Oh holy shit, this is the bestest day ever!

Favorite thing? The dragged-across-the-lawn-by-my-feet marks on Bristol's jacket. THIS ALSO HAPPENED

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PAC = Piss-Artist Cabal?

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Hell, your money probably bought the beer. Or the camo dress.

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Fuck you, John McCain. With a rusty chainsaw.

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The scene: The family living room in the East Wing of the White House Present are President and Mrs. Obama and their two daughters. A laptop is on the coffee table. The girls are watching it. The President is reading some national security updates. Mrs. Obama is flipping through a J. Crew catalogue.

Malia: Bwahahahahahahahahahaha!

Sasha: Aheheheheheheheheeeheeeheeeheeeheee!

Malia: Omigod! Omigod! Ohh! My! GOD!

Sasha (collapsing in giggles): Ahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!

Michelle Obama (piously): Girls, girls, now. Charity begins at---

Presnit O (sententiously): Sasha, Malia, now you know, There but for the grace of ---

(They break off, looking at each other)


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“There’s nothing on my face except for beer and makeup.”

That is T-shirt-worthy

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Camo skirts are for the girl who has everything, this Christmas. Inspiration arrives right on time, thanks Bristol Palin.

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Track sounds like every internet tough-guy and wannabe street punk - "Yeah, if they'd stuck around I'd mess them up but good", while Bristol is doing a great impression of a low-rent diva.

But you have to admit, they certainly have to do something to liven up those long Alaskan nights.

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I read this article and thought, "Oh my, The All American Family". It's heart warming really, kind of like "Leave it to Beaver" albeit a shoeless, more violent and drunken version of the show. Can't you picture it:

Track's best friend, not-gay gay Steve rings the front doorbell and Sarah answers. "My, Mrs. Palin you look great today", he says, "and doesn't Bristol look radiant with her makeup and beer face". A shirtless Track enters and mom says, "Hold up there young man. You and Steve can't be out there brawlin' while you're wearing your St. George, it's from God you know." Todd comes in from the bedroom and exclaims, "Hey gang let's all pile into the stretch limo and drink until we can't feel our feet." And off they go for a night of good old-fashioned American fun.

It really brings you back, doesn't it.

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i want more pictures.

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This demands another photoshop contest, even if only to put more liquids at Bristol's feet.

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Finally, <a href="http:\/\/talkingpointsmemo.com\/news\/sarah-palin-family-brawl-photos" target="_blank">a photo of the flag shoes</a>

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"[Steve's] basically like a gay guy, but not," Track Palin said, "I mean, he gives great blowjobs . . ."

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srsly, why isn't this a national campaign ad?

still pict with that soundtrack with this text....

2008: This is what the GOP wanted to put a heartbeat away from the White House.

2014: Imagine what it will be like if they take over the Senate? Art you going to let them?

GOTV! this message was approved by thankyouverymuchgampawalnutsfordoingsuchagreatjobvettingyourVPnominee

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The type of beer typically on-keg at that kind of party is often indistinguishable from that <i>other</i> frothy, yellow liquid. So understandable mistake.

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